any beer enthusiasts out there?

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I am wondering if there are any beer "snobs" out there....

it'd be awesome to meet others...
A person who enjoys tasting quality beer to find which beer they like and what they don't like.

A person who identify all sorts of aromas, flavors, and can discuss it with one other.

Not your PBR King at your local bar. =D
Hey hey, there is a time and a place for PBR (like after you've already drunk enough good beer that you can't really taste anything anymore. haha)

Anyway, to answer your question: I love beer. I make a lot of my own. I just brewed a batch of Octoberfest, which is sitting in fermentation for the next three months. But in the meantime, I have some Belgian tripel that I brewed over the summer. Turned out great, but will knock you on your ass. It is about 9% alcohol!

My favorite styles are pale and red ales, but I like some IPAs and overhopped stuff. I also love Belgian Abbey ales, traditional German pilsners, dry stouts, and English bitters.

I used to live in Chico, CA, which is where the Sierra Nevada Brewery is located, so as you can imagine, I love everything SN puts out. Their Summerfest Lager is a particular favorite of mine.

That snobby enough for you? :)
....very nice. I'm drooling.

I hung with a bunch of Sierra Nevada Brewers a month ago or so here in Boulder :)
My personal preference of a brewery is Avery.
Mostly for the same reasons - It's located here in town. I am always BSing around with the brewers, teaching them sign language, drinking beer from barrels, trying a ton of aged beer from early 2000's.
They put out some pretty good stuff.

9% abv is just in my range :)

When I started the thread I was drinking some Gulden Draak. I wasn't too impressed with it.
you got one here.
i love to collect glasses too.
i own wasteiner, grolsch, leffe, stella artois and other glasses
stella artois is the imported brand i love the most here (its made here too)
imported not made here i love would be corona, grolsch, carlsberg... i actually love most german/holland/belgium beers
our local beers suck
oh I LOVE beer.
pretty much when weather is hot and I'm hot any damn beer taste
About 1997 I started drinking better beers as a medical condition didn't set well with cheaper beer. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale was my fave for years. It does tend to get a little tart after a lot of it.
Quit drinking 6 years till 2 years ago....sticking with cheaper beers ..can drink more now...and budgeting........I am really enjoying Amber Bock now.....Michelob beer......a nice Tall Amber Bock on draft. The other day they slipped me a Samuel Adams....considered a topnotch beer..pricier but the drafts all sameprice at that was pretty good....little too hoppy to start...but bottom went down well....I guess my system identifies beers that are too hoppy or too tart.......and although I may like it....drinking a lot of a hoppy beer or tart beer just doesn't sit well. And I do figure I'm going to be drinking My mind sees the future.
lots of good beers out there.....I often change beers after a few years. But I really like Amber Bock for the price.
Under the influence thanks to:
Oaked Sally 9.8% ABV (had quite a few pints of this.)
Reverend 10% ABV
Ellies Brown 6% ABV
duganA IPA 8.5% ABV
White Rascal 6% ABV

Thanks to Avery Brewing.

Good night folks!
havent drunk much beer lately (well for a couple of years now),but last week i went out for lunch with an old mate of mine from the school days, we had a nip of Bookers bourbon (that was nice) then hopped across the road then had a schooner of Speights' "Sassy Red" wow that was a nice beer. Speights is a well known beer maker in New Zealand, until say about 10 years ago, the beer market was dominated by Lion and DB, not anymore, and I'd say it (safely) to the "Beer snobs" the DB and Lions are Crap, if you even visit NZ, ok try it once so you know what the dull crowd guzzles daily, but Monteith or Speights, and even some Irish/English imports are the good stuff. Oh theres a bit of niche market for 'real snobs' they chase after what is known to be a 'bottle fermented"!, beer called Moa, expensive but said to be notable, but I cant say since I havent tried it - the price of 1 at the price of 6 or 8 kind of put me off.

okay so, if you can get NZ imports, try Sassy Red, is very good. as for Irish imports i liked 'Old speckled hen'.
Ah, I hope some of you have tried a Guiness...thats one you must try at least once if you havent you're missing out.

Grummer -
I looked up Sassy Red to see what it had to offer. It seems that I should make my way out to NZ to try it. The reason is that the bottle will lose it's hop nose over time. I'll check to see if I can't find it here at the liquor store.

Quick Tidbit:
The most production for our worldwide Guinness is actually in Kenya, Africa. Guinness has had a plant there since 1951. Weeee let's talk outsourcing!
Most of the USA' Guinness is made in Canada.
Grummer -
I looked up Sassy Red to see what it had to offer. It seems that I should make my way out to NZ to try it. The reason is that the bottle will lose it's hop nose over time. I'll check to see if I can't find it here at the liquor store.

Quick Tidbit:
The most production for our worldwide Guinness is actually in Kenya, Africa. Guinness has had a plant there since 1951. Weeee let's talk outsourcing!
Most of the USA' Guinness is made in Canada.

if you ever come to NZ i'd would be pleased to show you around especially mud pools, hot pools, and give ideas for further sight-seeing in NZ. Brouchures are one thing but informed opinions from those with experience is another. Cheers
if you ever come to NZ i'd would be pleased to show you around especially mud pools, hot pools, and give ideas for further sight-seeing in NZ. Brouchures are one thing but informed opinions from those with experience is another. Cheers

Awesome! I love that stuff - having an insider if you will!
Yesterday... damn.. Drank a bunch of vintage -
2002, 04, 07 Czars
2002 Hog Heaven
2006 Collaboration Not Litigation
Fuminatior, ruminator (not sure on the spelling)
duganA, and big smoky...

What else, hmm..
Yesterday... damn.. Drank a bunch of vintage -
2002, 04, 07 Czars
2002 Hog Heaven
2006 Collaboration Not Litigation
Fuminatior, ruminator (not sure on the spelling)
duganA, and big smoky...

What else, hmm..

god glad you are alive enough to be home. :shock: