President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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Or, to get more specific, does a woman have the right to privacy of the decision to do so.

"Does the Constitution embrace a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?"

Maria - please answer those questions above. I'd like to know your answer.
Triple touche!


Picture of Bruce Lee (Jillio) decimating someone's testicles with his dragon fist.

1. Sterilization is ALREADY AVAILABLE to anybody

Is it available in USA on demand?

I know several women who wanted to be steralized but they were told they couldn't because they didn't have kids yet. I wanted that too but it was never granted.

2. to "de-sex" people just because they're abusive to children is one of the worst things you can do to basic human rights. Why? because by supporting this kind of action - you automatically support death penalty, , euthanization for terminally-illed patients,

I'm sorry but I totally disagree with this. Life goes on after steralization.

Whereas their is no life after abortion, euthanasia, or the death penalty.

torture + interrogation

Steralization and Torture have NOTHING in common. Steralization would PREVENT children from abusive parents from experiencing such experiences.

forced medication, forced hospitalization

This already happens. It's called being sectioned. Often due to past trauma's that could have stopped after the first sibling was taken into care but didn't because some people seem to care more about the rights of criminals then innocent children.

You forced them against their wills just because you don't like them

So do you like child abusers? I admit I don't.
Thanks for posting all these refreshing posts.

I remember once they tried to deny that black people were the same as us. Hitler did the same with the Jews. These examples are racist.

This belief in the baby being a 'parasite' is ageist.

And don't forget..killing the Jews was just fine, since Hitler said so. It was the law of the land, I guess.
Is it available in USA on demand?
yes ON DEMAND - anytime. it's called vasectomy (for men) and tubal litigation (for women).

I know several women who wanted to be steralized but they were told they couldn't because they didn't have kids yet. I wanted that too but it was never granted.
because tubal litigation is riskier than vasectomy. Not all women qualified for it. They may end up getting IUD. It may be due to their age or health. Jillio will answer this in depth.

I'm sorry but I totally disagree with this. Life goes on after steralization.

Whereas their is no life after abortion, euthanasia, or the death penalty.

Steralization and Torture have NOTHING in common. Steralization would PREVENT children from abusive parents from experiencing such experiences.
It doesn't matter. it's the principle. You're forcing it against their will. I can force to torture people when interrogating because it will save many lives. Terrorist's life means nothing to me.

This already happens. It's called being sectioned. Often due to past trauma's that could have stopped after the first sibling was taken into care but didn't because some people seem to care more about the rights of criminals then innocent children.

So do you like child abusers? I admit I don't.
No I don't but the best I can do is to imprison them. To force sterilization is wrong on many levels. btw - what do you mean you ADMIT that you don't? Is there "Yes I do" for an answer? NOBODY likes child abusers. that's why child abusers get raped in prisons.
Is it available in USA on demand?

I know several women who wanted to be steralized but they were told they couldn't because they didn't have kids yet. I wanted that too but it was never granted.

I'm sorry but I totally disagree with this. Life goes on after steralization.

Whereas their is no life after abortion, euthanasia, or the death penalty.

Steralization and Torture have NOTHING in common. Steralization would PREVENT children from abusive parents from experiencing such experiences.

This already happens. It's called being sectioned. Often due to past trauma's that could have stopped after the first sibling was taken into care but didn't because some people seem to care more about the rights of criminals then innocent children.

So do you like child abusers? I admit I don't.

Sterilization will do nothing to stop a pedophile, just as castration will do nothing to stop a rapist. If they can't use their penis, they will use something else.
yes ON DEMAND - anytime. it's called vasectomy (for men) and tubal litigation (for women).

because tubal litigation is riskier than vasectomy. Not all women qualified for it. They may end up getting IUD. It may be due to their age or health. Jillio will answer this in depth.

It doesn't matter. it's the principle. You're forcing it against their will. I can force to torture people when interrogating because it will save many lives. Terrorist's life means nothing to me.

No I don't but the best I can do is to imprison them. To force sterilization is wrong on many level.

Many, many levels. Our constitution prevents the use of cruel and inhuman punishment.

Plus we are decidedly off topic here.
Oh really? This from the same person who used "Nazis" to describe those of us who are pro-life. So it is even more fitting and on much so I'll repeat it: And don't forget..killing the Jews was just fine, since Hitler said so. It was the law of the land, I guess.

And here's what I'm referring to:

jillio wasn't using the term "nazi" in the same context you are. don't try to make an association where there is none.
so..... YES or NO?

does a woman have the right to privacy of the decision to do so?

Well, if it is about the right to privacy that she wants to chose for an abortion, that's HER decision to do so. I am NOT makin' a decision for women who chose it. I am a pro-lifer. Remember that.

After many women who chose to have an abortion, they are likely to experience Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. I am sure you have heard about their protest for chosin' their right to abortion, but you don't hear about their experiences how it affected them AFTER abortion -- so called " Post Abortion Stress Syndrome ".
Well, if it is about the right to privacy that she wants to chose for an abortion, that's HER decision to do so. I am NOT makin' a decision for women who chose it. I am a pro-lifer. Remember that.

so YES or NO?

After many women who chose to have an abortion, they are likely to experience Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. I am sure you have heard about their protest for chosin' their right to abortion, but you don't hear about their experiences how it affected them AFTER abortion -- so called " Post Abortion Stress Syndrome ".
don't worry about them. everybody's got to live with whatever the choice they make in their life. So do you wish to make any choices illegal if it causes PTSD?
Again, nice try.

but it's the truth. nice try to troll. I kindly ask you to participate with something pertinent to this thread.

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3.) NO TROLLING. A troll is someone who provokes members into flaming discussions by posting outrageous messages, and usually ends with name callings and flame wars.
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