What's your FEAR?

interesting Jasmine.. fainting from getting your blood pressure taken? I guess it's because it's same as claustrophobia.

good question... what do I fear.... :hmm:
you know I have this really strong fear of being buried in the ground when I die especially in a coffin. That's why I told my number one friend that if I die before him, he would make sure that I get cremated. Being buried in the coffin - i view it as my soul being trapped and condemned in the box forever :Ohno:

weird, huh?

That was really a pretty good guess, but I'd say fear of having your blood pressure taken is more likely related to a fear of being restrained....e.g. the blood pressure cuff on the arm that gets tighter as inflated.
any kind of poisonous snakes and spiders. If i see that one, i'm easily to frozen.

The snakes don't have to be poisonous for me to be scared of them!:giggle: Poisonous or not, I will hurt myself trying to get away from them. If it bites me, I will die from a heart attack!:giggle:
Death and large dogs. Unless I knew them from puppyhood.
That was really a pretty good guess, but I'd say fear of having your blood pressure taken is more likely related to a fear of being restrained....e.g. the blood pressure cuff on the arm that gets tighter as inflated.

Possibly. I never had the fear until I decided to check it on my own at the DIY machines at Walmart. I was just dandy until my stomach got nauseated, then next thing I know I am at Walmart, don't know who the person was with me was. That was enough to scare me.

Then 2 years later I thought I would confront my fears. Do it again at the Kmart. I remembered to breath in and out and look at something while the machine did it's work. Next thing I realized, I woke up to my sister holding my head up.

Ever since then I have been scared to death. It's the machines I hate. The old kind you pump up also scare me too. Weird, I know.
Possibly. I never had the fear until I decided to check it on my own at the DIY machines at Walmart. I was just dandy until my stomach got nauseated, then next thing I know I am at Walmart, don't know who the person was with me was. That was enough to scare me.

Then 2 years later I thought I would confront my fears. Do it again at the Kmart. I remembered to breath in and out and look at something while the machine did it's work. Next thing I realized, I woke up to my sister holding my head up.

Ever since then I have been scared to death. It's the machines I hate. The old kind you pump up also scare me too. Weird, I know.

Actually, that makes a lot of sense. The machine is restraining you, you have no control over it, and you can't communicate with it. Then, that fear has simply generalized to having your blood pressure taken in all situations.
Dying a slow, painful death. Not afraid of dying per se, just the way i'm going to go. Example: burning to death in a fiery automobile accident. Can't imagine ANYTHING worse than that. :shock:

When I die, I want to go like my grandfather - quietly in his sleep. Not screaming like the passengers in his car.
Actually, that makes a lot of sense. The machine is restraining you, you have no control over it, and you can't communicate with it. Then, that fear has simply generalized to having your blood pressure taken in all situations.

You have a good point there. Now what can I do to overcome it? I don't want my Doctors treating me for highblood pressure because of this fear.
interesting Jasmine.. fainting from getting your blood pressure taken? I guess it's because it's same as claustrophobia.

good question... what do I fear.... :hmm:
you know I have this really strong fear of being buried in the ground when I die especially in a coffin. That's why I told my number one friend that if I die before him, he would make sure that I get cremated. Being buried in the coffin - i view it as my soul being trapped and condemned in the box forever :Ohno: weird, huh?

yes EXACTLY how I feel. I do not want my death body bury deeply six feet in the coffin. YIKES ! I prefer to be cremate. My two sons respect my wishes. I have a claustrophobia.
I have a weird fear about being late for anything... bills, job, meetings, etc. I'm like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
I have a weird fear about being late for anything... bills, job, meetings, etc. I'm like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

I am always late for work.... up to 40 min and oddly - boss's not throwing a fit about it. maybe it will be one day.... My bus's always late.

there was a white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland? :hmm: I don't seem to recall.....
What is your fear? What are you afraid of?

I am scared to death of FROGS. I will not even walk near one. Something about them hopping unpredictably, like a jack in the box. Scares me every time.

My sister and little cousins used to torment me with them, by catching them and chasing after me. I still get picked on to this day. In fact, a friend of mine taught his kids to say, " Ribbit" every time they see me.

I am also scared to death to get my blood pressure taken. I faint. Needles, no big deal, blood pressure, pass out.

I scared of wasps and doctor take my blood drawn then i passed out.
Yep, there was a white rabbit who was always running around looking at his pocket watch. Alice followed him, and so her crazy journey into wonderland started. If you ask me, she was probably on LCD the whole time.

Being late is a very irrational fear for me... *sigh* I wouldn't mind go skydiving or shooting the toughest rapids on a raft in a heartbeat, but this is the worst fear I have. When they change the clock for Daylight Saving Time, it is an absolute nightmare for me! ha ha
I am lethally allergic to hornets and bees, but oddly enough I am not as scared of them as I should be. Yup I do take some reasonable safe precaution if I see one near me.

Uhh, another thing I am scared of.. is seeing blood. The idea freaks me out. Needles are no problem for me, but seeing blood coming out of someone... eeek! My heart would just hit the floor.

Tornadoes and hurricanes really scare me, too.

Spiders and snakes freak me out.

McCain-Palin winning the election scares me more than anything in the blessed world.
My biggest fear is cockroaches. The first two years at college, I lived in this dorm - my room was full of cockroaches. I would be afraid to turn on lights as it makes all of them run into various directions. God, I remember how my heart would literally pound out of my chest. Even typing this, I have shivers running up and down up my spine.

One time I had enough of the landlord ignoring our pleas for removal of cockroaches, my then boyfriend smashed over 100's of them and put it on a china plate to serve to her. :giggle:

On a deeper note, I am deathly afraid of doing anything wrong - karma is very very powerful to me - I firmly believe that what we give out or do, we will get it back to us eventually. It has always guided my moral conscience, perhaps bit too much.
You have a good point there. Now what can I do to overcome it? I don't want my Doctors treating me for highblood pressure because of this fear.

There are a number of ways to deal with a phobia. And a fear indeed becomes a phobia if it restricts you activity in a way that could be detrimental to your health. Fearing having your blood pressure taken could indeed be a phobia if it leads to avoidance.

Systematic desensitivity can be successful, provided that the anxiety experienced during the desensitation process isn't extreme. I have mixed feelings about this therapy.

Without the help of a professional, I would suggest that maybe you attempt to change your reaction by restructuring your thoughts about the experience. You can journal and give detailed descriptions of your feeling leading up to the experience (e.g. the amount of anxiety you experience in thinking about having your blood pressure taken, etc.). Then you can begin to revise the experience by examining what it is you are actually afraid of, and whether or not negative things occurred as a result of the experience. For instance, while you may have fainted, that was a result of your anxiety, and not really caused by the act of having your blood pressure taken.

If it is a fear of being restrained, ask your self: But what happened? Was I trapped there forever? Did the machine do its job and release once my blood pressure was registered? What would be the worst possible thing that could happen if the machine malfunctioned? Were there people available to help me if the machine should not release?

I personally believe that in dealing with fears like this, the cognitive restructuring techniques work best.