Xbox 360 Profile Locking


New Member
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score

I just got my Xbox 360 a couple months ago, so I'm learning the ins and out of using Xbox 360.

A friend asked me if there's any way to lock a profile. So no one can get on the profile, offline and online, without a passcode. I have tried a Pass code, but it only works for Family settings or Live. It doesn't lock the profile itself. His nephew has messed up his achievement list. He is a achievement whore, 101155 gamer points he has right now...

Anyways, I was just curious if there's a way to lock a profile.
I think so. As you have it right now, the system remembers your password, and automatically signs you in. I think you can fiddle around system settings for it to not do that, and maybe set up a new or the nephew's account to be automatically signed in when he signs in on the console. If you sign in, you can just sign that account out and sign in your account and play. I am uncertain, but I think you can do this, set it up to ask for your password every time for your specific account.