Worst USA drivers list for 2013

It's interesting that Missouri made #7. I was there back in 2000. It wasn't that bad. I guess that a lot has changed since then.
why isn't NY at top 5? :mad2:
of course Louisiana.. i didnt suprise that.. that is nothing new for many years.. i grew up there.. nothing new..
I am surprise my state , Ma, it not at that the top of the list. People are horrible drivers here , rude as hell too.
We had post about this before and Florida came up the worst drivers list .
Florida is #4 I believe....deserves the "Honor"!

It's #6.

To my experience - Southern CA drivers are more aggressive, rude, arrogant drivers (me included, lol). Oregon is the worst, they don't know how to drive (not to mention they don't know how to gas their cars :roll: [:P]). Ohio (specifically Cleveland) drivers are bunch of idiots.

Western NY (near Coopertown), Alaska, Washington State, Michigan, and Wisconsin aren't full of bad drivers.

I'm surprised that the bad states I mentioned above aren't high ranked. *shrug*
No wonder! We drove to Alabama and Missouri. Too many idiots drivers turned left or right to changed the lanes without the signals. Pissed me off big times.
No wonder! We drove to Alabama and Missouri. Too many idiots drivers turned left or right to changed the lanes without the signals. Pissed me off big times.

I can't stand it when people give a signal while they're making the turn. A lot of help that does, putting the signal on right in the middle of their turn. Idiot !
No wonder I was feeling so stressed driving in NOLA last weekend. The drivers scared me and I live in the DC area where drivers are pretty aggressive too! #1 on the list! Wow!
No wonder I was feeling so stressed driving in NOLA last weekend. The drivers scared me and I live in the DC area where drivers are pretty aggressive too! #1 on the list! Wow!

Yeah, I know what you mean, I used to live in Alexandria, Va and went into DC all the time. Last time I was in DC, I didn't get flipped off but I let people merge and got waved at..lol