Work rant!!!


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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So, at the bank we have something we call a development plan that we can change when we want to start a new position at the bank or if your goals have changed etc. I'm a teller right now and since I had to drop nursing, because I couldn't auscultate, I decided to stay with the bank but become a personal banking officer. PBO's deal with mortgages, credit products, opening accts, some investments, stuff like that. I already started to study for a course that I need in order to do this as well. I need to pass within two years of becoming a PBO to retain my position. Anyway my supervisor comes up to me today and says...alicia I don't see how you're going to be able to do the PBO position can't use the phone. As a teller my phone use is minimal unless I need to call for a client about an issue with their card but the phones ay my work I can't hear on so I get someone else to do it for me. This has never been an issue and this was made an option to me when I started to struggle with the phones at work. The bank does pay for adaptive technology. But where would the phone go? I have no office...and no one else would be using the TTY or VCO phone but me. So I never got one because I didn't see the need for it. THEN my supervisor says to me you know that they make special stethoscopes for the deaf? You should go buy one and go back into your scuse me but are you going to pay for my tuition and adaptive technology that I can't afford?

Anyway she went on a lil rant about how she doesn't see how I'll be able to do the new position and is trying to hold me back. Now correct me If I'm wrong..but isn't this against the law to say I can't do a job because of my deafness...I'm planning on talking to my branch manager and if I have to going to Human Resources because I'm just really pissed off that this is even coming up. My deafness does not hinder my ability to using a computer or talking to customers. I mean it isn't easy sometimes but I make do and not to mention me having my own office where I can close the door and shut out the noise of customers talking in line and noise in the main part of the branch would benefit me more than all the noise my hearing aids pick up while there is a 30 person line up and people are talking and crap....UGHH

end of rant...sorry I just had to get that out...:ty:
Wow, your supervisor sounds like a serious waste of human tissue. I'm sorry you had to even have that conversation with her. She should be helping you look for solutions, not cutting you down and making uninformed suggestions about your education. (I'm not a lawyer, so this is just my gut reaction, and what you're saying sounds right - they have some obligation to provide some accommodation.)

That sounds like a great idea, talking to your branch manager and HR if necessary. I hope they put your supervisor on the right track (with some force!)
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i not american but from what i understand in england they try to adapt..i know of one nurse who in wheel chair,admit she trained before her accident but the sideways moved her to infection control and she do good job...i know of several profoundly deaf nurses who high up in in the proffesion and no problems all they need is someone to look directly at them and that good manners even if not deaf of course have use bit common sense sometimes and know limitations but i would thought a bank would have resouses to assist you...if in england you get chance to seek help from union i always thought america more forward with disability laws but reading many post on here and my head injury epilepsy forum i see thisis not the case
Vocational Rehabilitation?

IF your deafness hinders your ability to work and finish school WHY don't you have a counselor or anything in Vocational Rehabilitation? They usually pay for anything that you need if you are deaf and if you can use assistive technology. is that different where you live?

If you have documented deafness here, we use VR(vocational rehabilitation)..? Have you tried programs like that so they can help you KEEP work?
VR pays for visits to ENT,Work Training,Tuition and School,and Hearing Aids and tests??...they pay for everything so i dunno if yall have anything like that but it's a good program

Yes it's wrong for them to discriminate though...
we don't have vocational rehabilitation here or anything really like that for that matter. The school will pay for adaptive technology but only once and I had a special stethoscope and I couldn't hear from it anymore..I don't have vast amounts of money to purchase stethoscopes to see if they work or not. School isn't an issue I dropped it and I'm fine with that.

I've worked in the bank 7 years and my deafness has never been an issue.
Sorry to hear, and I don't know about Canada laws. What I see the problem may be from company's own customers. IF they complain, then company have to do something to protect themselves. No company wants to lose their customers. Its very sad that there are so much closed minded customers and they complain over something that is really no big deal.

I hope things would work out for you.
we don't have vocational rehabilitation here or anything really like that for that matter. The school will pay for adaptive technology but only once and I had a special stethoscope and I couldn't hear from it anymore..I don't have vast amounts of money to purchase stethoscopes to see if they work or not. School isn't an issue I dropped it and I'm fine with that.

I've worked in the bank 7 years and my deafness has never been an issue.

I'm not sure what province you're in but all of them have VR - it's funded provincially and federally. You need to contact your provincial disability services deptartment.
The only VR office I found was VRA Ontario and it didn't sound like it anything VR related I've read on AD. VRA Ontario that doesn't seem like it has anything that would help me. If there is something more disability related other than ADP in ontario that I already know about someone please enlighten me.
That is really bad! Here in the UK, I can accessed for what equipment I need and then it's made into a legal document and my work have to order the equipment in.

Hope you get some answers when you complain as this is so wrong.
Do you have a main deaf charity in Canada where you can get information?

We have Action on Hearing Loss where I can email them with anything deaf related and they have the answer.
IF your deafness hinders your ability to work and finish school WHY don't you have a counselor or anything in Vocational Rehabilitation? They usually pay for anything that you need if you are deaf and if you can use assistive technology. is that different where you live?

If you have documented deafness here, we use VR(vocational rehabilitation)..? Have you tried programs like that so they can help you KEEP work?
VR pays for visits to ENT,Work Training,Tuition and School,and Hearing Aids and tests??...they pay for everything so i dunno if yall have anything like that but it's a good program

Yes it's wrong for them to discriminate though...

although they do-in my case it's only if you meet certain income requirements. At least in my state. The only way I got free hearing aids (although it was wrong and my father could have paid for them he's eh..wealthy has five houses and crap..) I used my salary from working part time to qualify for free hearing aids. Since I work full time and am married now-I would not qualify.

If you meet certain income requirements you can get voc rehab to help out if not-you're screwed or so I've been told. Is this what anyone else here has been told too? Does it vary state by state?

It is wrong to discriminate period-I'd speak to the branch manager and go to HR over this. You're on the right track. :wave:
I'd contact CHS which is Ontario based, as well as talk to your Audiologist about who the local VR and disability services provider is in your area.

VR isn't magic - and it's MOSTLY intended to help provide basic needs as well as funding for education and hearing aids etc to those who financially qualify.
I do believe under the provincial disabilities act, that kind of discrimination isn't allowed. You might want to talk to your work's human resources.