Why do most deaf residential schools closed every weekend?

Hawaii still do that by plane among the five islands.

The State gives the school a transportation budget and the plane(a small 10 seater or equivalent) cost about the same as a bus or van by the time ya figure gas and the driver. Haven't talked about safety....
No,They don't.

Um, yes they do.My friend sends her daughter to ASD....She has a friend who works there and there are some kids in the dorms who stay three weeks.Also if you look at WVSDB's handbook, they mention how to handle room inspection on weekends (kids can go back to bed)
and the sexual abuse are more expensive than physical and/or mental abuse....

Is there any evidence that sexual abuse is more prone to happen on the weekends? It annoys and irritates me the constant preoccupation of the risk of sexual abuse at deaf schools.......It IS an area to be concerned with(obviously) But since insistutional reforms happened, is the old saw that "there's a higher risk of sexual abuse at deaf schools still true?"
I can and do see how that might have been true back in the OLD OLD days...Deaf schools were thought of as insistutions...they really didn't do safety screening....Also, the kids with severe emotiontal issues were thrown in the general mix........There is always risk of sexual abuse...and granted the kids who are lonely and who have low self esteem are walking game for predators.......But that's true with sexual abuse with hearing kids as well....It's GOOD that everyone's being proactive and super paranoid about stuff like that......but it happens EVERYWHERE.....not just deaf schools/dorms!
No,They don't.

I was former student from Alabama School for the Deaf and my old home was 50 miles away from this deaf school. They do stay on weekend and all students go to home every 3 week, known as long closed weekend - last about 3-4 days.

They offer weekly optional transportation to home for students who from Birmingham and Montgomery, but they added Huntsville after I left ASD.

Also they offer daily transportation for day students if you live in 45 miles radius.

Now, I live 40 miles away from ASD.
Little surprised...back in the 60's....those of us who could not afford a bus ticket to go home for the Holidays....were allowed to stay in the dorms....(with the exception of Christmas...), so guessing they somehow found the $$ for bus tickets....It wasn't too bad, as some of the dorm supervisors lived on campus and we could go to bed whenever we wanted to.....I lived approx. 300 miles from home...

Yes, at ASD, they adopted mandatory closed weekend in 1980 that send all students home every 3 week, along with move the first school day to August instead of Labor Day, also they added daily transportation for day students in around early 1990s - increase the radius.

Prior to 1980, all students stay at dorm from after Labor Day to early December, but if you want go to home so your parent is responsible for transportation or you have to pay bus at your expense, but train service got shut down in 1970s so left bus as only one option or parent come to pick up.
I'm guessing the kids get sent home for the weekends not just for their sakes and the sakes of their families but also because the staff needs break time.
That's true...but I also knew kids who would rather stay in the dorm than go home....

Yup, it is getting better because there are far more day students today than residential ones. There was, for a significant number of students, a preference for staying at the school as much as possible because of the negative family dynamics, coupled with the appeal of being in a place (the school) that met so many needs, social, communication, etc, etc.......
Yup, it is getting better because there are far more day students today than residential ones. There was, for a significant number of students, a preference for staying at the school as much as possible because of the negative family dynamics, coupled with the appeal of being in a place (the school) that met so many needs, social, communication, etc, etc.......

YES,YES,YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is exactly what I have been saying ALL along....I get attacked b/c I think that res school should be an option....I'm not saying we need to go back to K-12 res schooling.....Most kids can and should live at home......BUT there ARE situtions where dorming it might be a really good option...and it might actually be preferable to living at home! Not everyone is from a middle class family with good schools......not everyone has parents who are mentally stable......those kids might find the dorms MUCH better then being at home/local schools......
Also, most of the dorm students are teens nowadays...which is GOOD...they get the advantage of independent living etc....and god some of the parents out there REALLY do shelter their kids!
The Texas School for the Deaf flies their students home every weekend to three cities... Laredo, Amarillo, and El Paso. The rest are put on buses and shuttles. Texas is a big state.


I'm originally from Houston. Three hours west of TSD. I moved to Austin because I wanted my son to go to TSD. It's the best place for him. It's the best place for him to grow as a person and the school is an excellent one. I'm not a fan of Austin. I don't like it here much. It's just not my kinda place. Yet I preserved and lived here for 7 years simply because he was not old enough to be sent to a boarding school. Besides, I wanted to raise my boy. Not some minimum wage earning houseparent.

This weekend... I'm moving a long way out of Austin. I'm ready and he's ready for some boarding school. He's at the right age. Middle school. So I'm outta here. The best time and the most personal growth happened during those years when I went to TSD myself... Same age as him. He's gonna grow and I can't wait to see what he learns about himself as a Deaf person and having full communication access in aspects that he cannot get elsewhere. I want him to have what I had. I loved the weekends at TSD. Wish they kept the kids but in the meantime I'm fine with seeing him every weekend.
The Texas School for the Deaf flies their students home every weekend to three cities... Laredo, Amarillo, and El Paso. The rest are put on buses and shuttles. Texas is a big state.


I'm originally from Houston. Three hours west of TSD. I moved to Austin because I wanted my son to go to TSD. It's the best place for him. It's the best place for him to grow as a person and the school is an excellent one. I'm not a fan of Austin. I don't like it here much. It's just not my kinda place. Yet I preserved and lived here for 7 years simply because he was not old enough to be sent to a boarding school. Besides, I wanted to raise my boy. Not some minimum wage earning houseparent.

This weekend... I'm moving a long way out of Austin. I'm ready and he's ready for some boarding school. He's at the right age. Middle school. So I'm outta here. The best time and the most personal growth happened during those years when I went to TSD myself... Same age as him. He's gonna grow and I can't wait to see what he learns about himself as a Deaf person and having full communication access in aspects that he cannot get elsewhere. I want him to have what I had. I loved the weekends at TSD. Wish they kept the kids but in the meantime I'm fine with seeing him every weekend.

Not at ASD - houseparent get $15 per hour with low cost health insurance and pension.
Not at ASD - houseparent get $15 per hour with low cost health insurance and pension.

It was meant to be taken loosely and metaphorically. They don't actually earn minimum wage either. $15 an hour is not a decent, livable wage.
. I moved to Austin because I wanted my son to go to TSD. It's the best place for him. It's the best place for him to grow as a person and the school is an excellent one. I'm not a fan of Austin. I don't like it here much. It's just not my kinda place. Yet I preserved and lived here for 7 years simply because he was not old enough to be sent to a boarding school. Besides, I wanted to raise my boy. Not some minimum wage earning houseparent.

This weekend... I'm moving a long way out of Austin. I'm ready and he's ready for some boarding school. He's at the right age. Middle school. So I'm outta here. The best time and the most personal growth happened during those years when I went to TSD myself... Same age as him. He's gonna grow and I can't wait to see what he learns about himself as a Deaf person and having full communication access in aspects that he cannot get elsewhere. I want him to have what I had. I loved the weekends at TSD. Wish they kept the kids but in the meantime I'm fine with seeing him every weekend.

Glad it's working out! Glad he was able to stay at TSD....and it's great that he's gonna dorm it for middle school! I do think most kids should day school/day program it for preschool-4th grade..there are exceptions of course...but dorming it should wait if possible until at least fourth grade....
And he'll have a BLAST socially and emotiontally,and independance skills wise too.....I know people are rolling their eyes at what I am saying....BUT,that area is REALLY important (and is a VERY important "soft" skill)and is often neglected in a lot of dhh kids. I have a friend who just transferred to TSD after struggling emotiontally in the mainstream. Both I and another survivor of the mainstream kept encouraging her to transfer... We could both see that she REALLY needed social emotiontal development.....She FINALLY transferred.....Yesterday she messaged me "I need help advice,tips to respond to this." She was trying to encourage another deaf mainstreamed girl who was having major social issues to attend TSD's summer program. I laughed SO HARD at that both b/c the girl's message sounded EXACTLY like my friend's experiance in the mainstream,and that my friend had finally gotten the abilty to reconize that "OMG...I was JUST LIKE HER!" My friend has only been at TSD a week or so....that's how fast she's gotten better.
Indiana SD was supposed to have something or other the other year at least (the year I did practicum there) where the students were allowed to stay in the dorms on certain weekends... but I didn't hear that much about it.
Indiana SD was supposed to have something or other the other year at least (the year I did practicum there) where the students were allowed to stay in the dorms on certain weekends... but I didn't hear that much about it.

Yeah, for things like Homecoming, the Mid Winter Ball, and some other sports...
Okay I did my homework.

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