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I should be getting my card for thc oil soon. I go days with no sleep and then I crash randomly

Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
I should be getting my card for thc oil soon. I go days with no sleep and then I crash randomly

Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app

Good. And at the medical despensory, someone can help you with advice re strain, and oil types, so on..
In my experience for sleep, i found hash and oil to be far better then.weeds. but it also depends on strain...some sre good to knock you out, others good for climbing walls..
as for hash, the black is better for sleep then the blond..i find morrocon blond great. For chillin but not so much foe sleep..the black. Afghani mazar i sharif, or kabul is fantastic...also napalese temple balls..a mkx of hash and opium is very nice...hash needs a flame to light, opium rewuires heat no flame contact..by mkxing thr two into a ball. by lighting the hash the heat from the hash releases the opium.....
Thats not under weed card though...
Just experience...
With weed oil...it depends on how many washes...the more washes the more potent and more amber honey, the more less washes the darker.
keep in mind its not so much about potency...often.potency itself wont help for sleep, and can give an opposite affect. What you want is balance...and pot offerS balance due to its wide veriety.
Keep me posted...
I should be getting my card for thc oil soon. I go days with no sleep and then I crash randomly

Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app

Have you tried eating if?
Foe sleep eating is far superior. As in.msking it into cookies oe brownies, or what evee..the trick. Is to remember thc is not water soluble. it bonds with oil, butter so on
The longer you cook it in an oil, olive, or a secret process i developed, i show only in person to sekect defies...but for you..
Any oil is fine...cook your weed, or hash or oil in oil slowly...the sllwer rhe better butter burns easy sk.better to use say an olive oil...slowly cook in thst snd enjoy on anything..
I used to cook hash into my eegs before class...