What Would You Say To Your Parents Today?

To sit in the room with his legal wife who thought my mother little more than a than a tart was surreal.he never expected to be called dad but his son daughter they refer to me as a sister which nice to be accepted..that GI dodged the bullet not marrying my mother he will never know how lucky he was..I was her ticked to live in states it never happened as time went by she became full of hate..lot more to it she foisted her pregnancy on my dad who thought I was his mum dad came to hate each other.once she got so full of meanest and blurted it out I was only good to get American citatzion now she felt I was responsible for all the bad in her life.To be fair hundreds women in similar position
Well, here it is. I hope it honors all of you right.


When you put out the long comments, I could not read fast enough to finish all the comment on one page. The comments on each page still continue to go fast for me to read ahead of time span for reading. So maybe you can adjust the time length of reading each comment like about 30 seconds or 40 seconds instead of like 5 seconds which is kind of hard to read that fast but never get to the end of the sentences. Maybe you can time by reading on one page that has a long comments. If you feel that 30 seconds or 40 seconds are too long but still we can try to adapt to reading from the first word to the last word so that we can understand what we had experience in our d/Deaf and Hard Of Hearing world struggling in the hearing world. :cool2:
Went to look- might want to either note that the video is down for now or remove the link.

Judging from what Bebonang said in her post, would have to agree with her. Low vision people would have trouble reading long comments or captions that seem to zip by quite fast (even short ones!). Don't feel too bad- I've run into that often on a few of the programming videos (or at least the ones that WILL caption or provide text...)I've watched.
I took it down temporarily to make it easier to read. Unfortunately youtube doesn't let me just update a video, so i had to actually delete the old one and upload a whole new video with a different link. Sorry for the inconvienance. I shared it with members of my family hoping it would encourage them to learn ASL to speak with my Lizzie, and they all had to pause to be able to read it. I think perhaps I'm just a really fast reader and didn't take that into consideration when making it. At any rate, it's quite a bit slowed down now and a new link is up if you're interested in viewing it. :)

Some people may still need to pause at certain points, but I hope that doesn't take away from the message of the video. It is aimed at hearing parents, to make them see the importance of learning ASL for their deaf/hoh children, but I hope that everyone can enjoy it's message and see the importance of learning ASL and being more aware of it.
I would ask my dad who was Uncle Frank? I found out while doing a search on dad family his dad had a brother name Frank . My mom never heard dad talk about Frank. I would really love to know more about Frank , I wonder if he was hoh or deaf and no one talked about him?? This was very common in Russia .
I love my parents. I do. They thought they were doing the right thing for me by pulling me out of deaf school at age 12 due to educational reasons. This I do thank them for but it had come at a huge cost, mainly socialization. I have to this day wondered if I would've been happier if I stayed in the deaf school. This video Alone in a Hearing World illustrates what I and many others experienced.
This video Alone in a Hearing World illustrates what I and many others experienced.

Oh the irony that it isn't captioned.

That's more or less the story of my life minus the drugs.
Oh the irony that it isn't captioned.

That's more or less the story of my life minus the drugs.

CC is not necessary for this film (as far as I can hear). It's mostly silent other than the background racket the hearing kids were making.
CC is not necessary for this film (as far as I can hear). It's mostly silent other than the background racket the hearing kids were making.
true - there is voice over for the kid signing, the interpreter(s) and teacher (I couldn't hear anything from the coach- don't think there was any voicing)- I would think that some sort of caption for the kid signing would be beneficial for anyone who doesn't know sign.

The overall message is clear though and I do realize that the bigger aim is towards hearing people but would have been nice to include other HOH people in viewing it.
true - there is voice over for the kid signing, the interpreter(s) and teacher (I couldn't hear anything from the coach- don't think there was any voicing)- I would think that some sort of caption for the kid signing would be beneficial for anyone who doesn't know sign.

The overall message is clear though and I do realize that the bigger aim is towards hearing people but would have been nice to include other HOH people in viewing it.

True. It would've been nice. I don't think there was any voice over from anybody else other than the kid. Did you hear anything from the others? I couldn't hear anything from them.