What does this mean in my PM folder?


Active Member
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2011
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"You have 0 confirmed and 1 unconfirmed private message receipts."

What's an unconfirmed PM?
It's listed at the bottom of the Folder Controls box, right below the Inbox pull-down menu.
If you use AllDeaf mobile and send a PM, it'll auto-select a now-defunct option of "Notify on receipt of private message". This is an option to send a 'read' receipt to your PM receiver so when they open the PM, it'll change the unconfirmed private message status to something like "You have 1 confirmed and 0 unconfirmed private message receipts."
If the user declined to send a read receipt, it would remain unconfirmed.

It used to be a feature here in the past where AD full (non mobile) you could tick in a checkbox to enable this feature when a private message was sent. The user who received it then could select "OK" or "Cancel" when they log in to read the PM, it would ask them if they wanted to send a read receipt. This feature is now disabled or not available, I think it happened around the time AD Mobile was implemented - it might have been disabled to prevent issues.

I think, but not 100% positive - that as of today the user reads a PM on AllDeaf Mobile, it'll automatically set it as read and the sender would see it.
For AllDeaf Full, this is now not available.

Images below for reference:
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^^^Thanks, Naisho, that clears it up! It just sounded "devious"... :lol: