What do you hoard/collect?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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No, it is not about extreme hoarding but more like what do you like to collect and cant get rid of?

Me, I seem to be developing a hoarding habit. I am hoarding cash. Hope that is a good habit! :D


My roommate hoards shoes!
Nothing. I grew up an Air Force brat so we moved every 2-3 years. Every time we moved my mom made us go through all of our stuff and do a purge. I have pretty much no qualms about throwing out/giving away my stuff.

I do have a few clothing items I've had 20 years but rarely wear and I'm not quite sure why I hang onto them. I collect elephant stuff, figurines, wall decor etc, but that's a collection so it's different.
At my age, I'm trying to downsize, not collect. :)
Nothing. I grew up an Air Force brat so we moved every 2-3 years. Every time we moved my mom made us go through all of our stuff and do a purge. I have pretty much no qualms about throwing out/giving away my stuff....
Pretty much the same for me. My dad transferred a lot with government jobs. I went to 12 different schools (4 high schools), and most of the time we rented (sometimes furnished homes). After my parents divorced (I was 12) we had to downsize even further to live in tiny apartments. Couldn't hold on to much.
Pretty much the same for me. My dad transferred a lot with government jobs. I went to 12 different schools (4 high schools), and most of the time we rented (sometimes furnished homes). After my parents divorced (I was 12) we had to downsize even further to live in tiny apartments. Couldn't hold on to much.

Same here. I live pretty much a Spartan lifestyle but feel wealthy. One thing, though: I find myself buying through Ebay old games I had during childhood and giving them to other kids. I insist on hanging on to the Sonar Sub Hunt, though. :lol:
I collect books, coins, and thats it. Everything else i mostly have cuz i need (except my fiah tank) idk if having fish means i collect them. They are pets so idk.
I had trouble not want to throw important papers and bills. I think I am suppose to save them for five years before throwing them out but I did not want to go through them and left them piling up when I was in Canada. Before moving here, I had to sort them out to throw and just save some for important papers including important documents to bring to New Mexico. I felt better about that. It is hard when I have cluster of papers from the bill companies. :(
I collected many things over the years...M&M's figurines....Lighted Beer Signs...:giggle:....Nutcrackers...Crystal...Brass....Odd Wine Glasses...list goes on and on...I've also down-sized many, many times, giving away things to family/friends and Goodwill,

And again, I need to down-size after only 1 year...:shock:...Love to shop and hunt for good bargains so that's my downfall...but a Hoarder, I'm not....When it gets to be too much, I either give it away or sell it. And whenever a friend comes over and likes something...I can say..."Take It"...enjoy it because I'm done with it...
Books. I am a bibliophile. Unfortunately they are still sitting in the bins I placed them in when I moved and I have been looking for a free or cheap bookshelf to put them in and free up much needed closet space. They've been waiting for a bookshelf for about two years now... Poor books.
I used to have a hard time getting rid of old purses so it became this huge pile that was taking up space. I finally forced myself to get rid of purses I no longer use on a yearly basis. It was hard!
I collect Hong Kong films and foreign movies in general. I also collect Jazz CDs....

When I was a kid, I collected comic books and stickers (Topps Wacky Packages).

Now, it's manga books. As I am getting older, I'm downsizing as well. There comes a time in your life when you look at your collection/possessions and realize it's time to get rid of it one way or another.
Nothing. I grew up an Air Force brat so we moved every 2-3 years. Every time we moved my mom made us go through all of our stuff and do a purge. I have pretty much no qualms about throwing out/giving away my stuff.

I do have a few clothing items I've had 20 years but rarely wear and I'm not quite sure why I hang onto them. I collect elephant stuff, figurines, wall decor etc, but that's a collection so it's different.

Ditto! I was a Marine Corps brat, lived on base for most of my elementary age years, and we were expected to not have numerous "unecessary women's issue". We had to get rid of anything we grew out of. It wasn't til my dad's brigade was deployed to Panama, we moved back home and was allowed to keep what I wanted. That frame of mind still is reflected off me today, can't stand clutter! :D
At my age, I'm trying to downsize, not collect. :)

Same here , I am getting rid of stuff I do use anymore. If I where to dies tonight my poor daughter would have to go though all my belongings and get rid of it.
Books, and lots of them.
As I kid I used to collect keychains...
Then I think 3-4 years of school notes and randoms. Wow that was fun cleaning up. Now its just books.
Same here , I am getting rid of stuff I do use anymore. If I where to dies tonight my poor daughter would have to go though all my belongings and get rid of it.
Last year I helped my widow neighbor get rid of stuff when she had to downsize and move. It was a nightmare of a job. I don't want to leave that burden for my family.