What do u enjoy doing inside and outside the house work?


New Member
Jul 9, 2003
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For inside, I like to vaccum the carpet and for outside, i love to mow the lawn with riding mower or push mower. How about you guys ?

MODS: If this is a repost, feel free to merge this with the other one.
For inside the house, i like to keep my kitchen and bathroom clean. For outside, i like to water the garden etc... :)
I don't like to do any of those things but I do the housework, just the minimum to keep the house clean. *shrugs*
Mostly I really enjoy to clean up the kitchen in my apt. and can't do nothing outside because i live in apartment building. :mrgreen:
Inside, I like to wash my clothes and dry them.
Outside, I like to pull the weed out of the ground, cause I hate weed.
I like to do is pick up the mess, toys, dusty, laundry (smell good).

I like to mow the yards, rake and water of flower garden.
I do house cleaning indoors, every place in the house, I like to keep my house clean when I leave the house and return home knowing my house smells good and clean. ;)

And for outdoors, I cannot do as much because for one reason only we have a very small yard, and the landlord mow the lawn for us, or his cousin. So pretty much nothing I could do for the yard. :lol:
I like clean inside. I dont do much outside. I cleaned the garage because in winter our garage were so messy. We cannot park our car in garage because they are so small. Garage was so pain in the butt! lol