What are you thinking about Part VII

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Why isn't the washing machine working at my condo, I went to bank and got a roll of new quarters and the machine did not accept them. I now have laundry with soaped poured on it and the repair man not coming till Monday .
Are quarters being made to weight less now?
Our dessert:


You will need to do a longer bike ride over the weekend . :giggle:
I am thinking about what to get for my boyfriend for Christmas. He got me Blu-Ray DVD player. I opened the gift already because we wanted to watch a movie on it. Can you guys help me think of a gift???
If he like go to see sports you could buy him some tickets , or new tech game to play . Does he like Walking Dead?
In less than 3 weeks our office closes. We had the annual holiday party tonight. It must have been bitter-sweet for the ones who have been there most of the last 10-1/2 years. I have only been there a little over a year, and I found it a bit sad.
If he like go to see sports you could buy him some tickets , or new tech game to play . Does he like Walking Dead?

He loves The Walking Dead. He collected all Blu-Ray DVDs already. Do you know of any cool gadgets for men?
I sold 4 bikes yesterday. I'm not going to use cold Chicago weather as an excuse. I've to continue plowing on and selling more bikes.
fell over again on operation line in hand,getting to point of scared get up,thinking why I fall so much and where get tiloket gel from,my doc say too expensive to prescribe NHS wonderful but occasionally, be awkward
is it my computer or site not working..PLEASE NOT MY COMPUTER.
and getting similar message you getting reba..I turn it off last night and message say got 1420 out of 1420 being down loaded don't put computer off...I getting a lot of that from Microsoft..and always says this force shut down skpe no close down and I thought that was turned off skype
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