welcome! welcome!


New Member
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Helllo! Welcome a dear personal friend of mine, prostock19 :thumb:
Thank you Ally and Tim for the warm welcome. That is why I love you guys. I just need to get use to this. :D
Originally posted by illustrator
I know you! You were there at Gally with kevbo from Gally HC 2002.

Yes, that was me. I was one of the lucky people that got their picture posted.
Originally posted by illustrator
I know you! You were there at Gally with kevbo from Gally HC 2002.
Who r you? Got a pic? T e d d y and I went with prostock19 to gally hc and we were with kevbo too.
Originally posted by allisonjoy
Who r you? Got a pic? T e d d y and I went with prostock19 to gally hc and we were with kevbo too.

I didn't go there. My friend did went there and show me the pix - how amaze, it was.
Originally posted by illustrator
I didn't go there. My friend did went there and show me the pix - how amaze, it was.
Oh, lol, then you have a GOOD memory!! :thumb:
Oh yea, I remember that pic.

BTW, welcome to AD2 and enjoy your stay, prostock19. :)
Originally posted by prostock19
Ally wanted me to post the pic of her and tim. Here it is hun.
http://i.xanga.com/prostock19/6.jpg[IMG] [bB][/QUOTE]

that's 4th face of ally I ever seen. :eek2:

That's all I could say.

Hey Allisonjoy, it was nice of you to bring some of your friends in here. Go gurl