United States of Narcissism

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Love Makes the World Go Round
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Sep 7, 2006
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Narcissism Is On the Rise In America - Newsweek

Imagine a person who does what he wants, regardless of how it affects other people. He refuses to take responsibility for his own mistakes, and he believes he’s unbeatable at anything he undertakes, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Sounds like a textbook narcissist, right? Well, these days, it also sounds a lot like the United States.

Narcissism is on the rise in the U.S. It’s likely to get worse before it gets better, and the economic consequences will likely be severe. Americans today are happy to spend rather than sacrifice, leaving future generations with the bill instead of accepting higher taxes themselves. They choose to keep bathing in a sea of cheap credit rather than cracking down on the practices and institutions that led to the financial crisis. And all along, they insist that their economic system is the best even while neglecting future investments in the very things that make a productive society: education, infrastructure, and scientific research.

So how did this happen? In their book, The Narcissism Epidemic, Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell find the origins of self-obsession in the 1960s, when people began to cast off societal constraints and expectations in favor of exploring their own human potential. This movement didn’t begin with a purely narcissistic slant, yet by the 1970s it had morphed into self-admiration, self-expression, and self-absorption. In the 1980s those qualities gave way to self-centeredness and self-indulgence, and it was all downhill from there.

Psychologists have been tracking narcissism through surveys of American college students since the late 1970s, and levels of it—often measured as a lack of empathy—have never been higher, according to Sara Konrath, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan’s Research Center for Group Dynamics. “If you look at the levers in society, almost all of them are pushing us towards narcissism,” she says. These levers go beyond Twitter feeds and Facebook pages, which offer endless opportunities for self-admiration. They also include advertising that tells consumers “You’re worth it” and reality-TV shows that turn regular people against each other in a battle for celebrity.

Unfortunately, the notion that any American can become a superhuman success is increasingly a myth. In recent decades Americans have encountered far more inequality and far less social mobility than their parents. But narcissism leads these same Americans to reject redistributive tax systems, since they’re sure they will succeed and have little empathy for those who don’t. They prefer to receive tax breaks rather than investing in opportunities for future generations (although they may make exceptions for their families, who often fall within their narcissistic spheres of concern).

As narcissism gathers momentum, American lawmakers seem to be making matters worse. “Politicians tend to encourage these shortsighted, selfish trends by promising people they can enjoy a better life without having to make sacrifices for it,” says Roy Baumeister, a professor of psychology at Florida State University.

This rhetoric—that Americans can have everything without having to pay for it—dates back to the Reagan era, when an economist named Arthur Laffer suggested that lowering tax rates would result in more revenue by spurring spending among businesses and consumers. He was wrong, but it’s clear from the budget debate in Washington that people still believe him.

Some media outlets try to debunk political rhetoric, but it has also become easier for Americans to ignore them—as any narcissist tends to ignore feedback that challenges his self-image. “With the fragmentation of media and the Internet, people can more and more easily just expose themselves to information and perspectives that don’t challenge their existing views,” says George Loewenstein, a professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon University.

If social mobility continues to erode, and narcissism increases, the nation will someday face tremendous economic and psychic costs. Crushing debts left by the Me Generation will fall upon a country ill prepared for its economic future. At the same time, Americans will suffer a moment of epic disillusionment as their narcissistic balloons finally burst. The only hope, write Twenge and Campbell, is that the next generation of parents will raise their kids to see beyond themselves.

Altman is the author of Outrageous Fortunes: The Twelve Surprising Trends That Will Reshape the Global Economy

Doesnt sound good, doesnt it? :shock:
I agree completely with this OP. Several posters and I were discussing the sense of entitlement that people in the States seem to have, and the selfish and self centered perspective they seem to have.
But narcissism leads these same Americans to reject redistributive tax systems, since they’re sure they will succeed and have little empathy for those who don’t.
My rejection of using the tax code to socially engineer the distribution of wealth does not come from narcissism, but rather a disagreement with the real-world results of such redistribution (as opposed to the flowery intentions). I think his point- that seeing the tax code only as a means for raising revenue for the government is narcissistic- is tenuous at best. My belief is that if you want to help other people, you do it by actually helping other people, not by pushing for the government to take money from someone else to help other people.
I am surprised! wow lots of serious whoa reading wow!
My rejection of using the tax code to socially engineer the distribution of wealth does not come from narcissism, but rather a disagreement with the real-world results of such redistribution (as opposed to the flowery intentions). I think his point- that seeing the tax code only as a means for raising revenue for the government is narcissistic- is tenuous at best. My belief is that if you want to help other people, you do it by actually helping other people, not by pushing for the government to take money from someone else to help other people.

Thank you for giving an excellent demonstration of the type of narcissistic attitude referred to in the OP.
Thank you for giving an excellent demonstration of the type of narcissistic attitude referred to in the OP.

I dunno that I buy this premise. You can disagree with something on purely pragmatic grounds without your actions being narcissistic. I don't disagree with increased scaled taxes, but I know a number of people who understand that there are inequalities that need to be addressed, but who simply don't think a progressive tax code will actually help in any way, not because they're being selfish or narcissistic, but because they think it's an ineffective solution, akin to using a steak knife rather than scalpel for surgery.
I dunno that I buy this premise. You can disagree with something on purely pragmatic grounds without your actions being narcissistic. I don't disagree with increased scaled taxes, but I know a number of people who understand that there are inequalities that need to be addressed, but who simply don't think a progressive tax code will actually help in any way, not because they're being selfish or narcissistic, but because they think it's an ineffective solution, akin to using a steak knife rather than scalpel for surgery.

That is purely subjective, though.
That is purely subjective, though.
That's the point. It is subjective, meaning reasonable people can disagree. This article is arguing that if you disagree with the author's economic views, there's something psychologically wrong with you. I take issue with that.
That's the point. It is subjective, meaning reasonable people can disagree. This article is arguing that if you disagree with the author's economic views, there's something psychologically wrong with you. I take issue with that.

Narcissism is not an indication of anything being psychologically wrong unless an individual tests in the clinically significant ranges. Once can be narcissisitic without having a mental or a personality disorder. More often than not, it is simply a self centered character flaw.
in other words, its their personality as SELFISH
in other words, its their personality as SELFISH

Yes. No concern for the common good. It is a distinctly American trait. And more to the point, an American conservative trait.
Narcissistic people make those around them unhappy. Ironically, the people around the narcissist seek therapy while the narcissist continues to reck havoc in other people's lives.
Narcissistic people make those around them unhappy. Ironically, the people around the narcissist seek therapy while the narcissist continues to reck havoc in other people's lives.

I think the same could be said for people who have to deal with anti social folks.
DS, you're right. Probably applies to any personality disorder.
Narcissistic people make those around them unhappy. Ironically, the people around the narcissist seek therapy while the narcissist continues to reck havoc in other people's lives.

they need personality transplant lol
Shel90 - thought provoking as always. In other words, delusions have played a pivotal role in our economy. Isn't it interesting how President Obama happened to have this on his lap and is getting a lot of national attention, just as the past presidents have passed it on like a hot potato with little issue?
Yes. No concern for the common good. It is a distinctly American trait. And more to the point, an American conservative trait.
I have a hypothetical question for you. Suppose you have a guy- we'll call him Tom- who volunteers several hours a week to help the poor and needy and donates, say, 10% of his income to charity. He also votes conservative because he believes leftist policies fall far short of their promises and often serve to make problems worse. On the other hand, Tom's neighbor, Jake, is a leftist who believes in government redistribution policies and votes for leftists, but he rarely volunteers to help others or donates to charity. Which one, in your opinion, is more selfish and which one cares more about the common good?
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