Trying to Understand...


New Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Hi!:wave: To begin, I am a hearing person and I'm new to the deaf world. I've wanted to learn ASL for several years and recently I decided there's no time like the present to learn! So, I'm taking online classes, reading books, and trying to emmerse myself in this world to gain a better understanding of it. I was wondering if you guys will help me!!

I've read some threads on pet peeves and I'd like to learn more of them because I don't want to make those mistakes! What are the things hearing people do out of ignorance? Please feel free to point out any I may have done here in this thread, too!! Educate me!! ;) Please!!

From what I read, it seems there is an sense of pride among those who are deaf about being deaf. Is that a correct observation? It seems to me like this is a different way to experience life, but that difference is by no means less than a hearing person's experience. Is that correct? If so, I just think that is beautiful and I love it.

I am eager to learn and I hope some of you will help me...I appreciate your time and comments!! :ty:
Take a look at the comment on the other thread I posted to you, I provided a couple of links there. Good luck!
Hello Brandylon I pretty aware it reading aware seems reading your posts