thoughts is the root of everything?


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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thoughts governs all things, do you agree or disagree? discuss
As evidenced by some of the idiotic things people do, I would say that no thought was involved in the process.
As evidenced by some of the idiotic things people do, I would say that no thought was involved in the process.

Like post #1 in this thread.

This is a time waster. If I say I agree, he probably will go to the angle stating that plants have no thought process whatsoever since he put in "Everything" in the end of his sentence.

this is an argument that will just go around and around. whatever.
If I do not think about a certain tree in the forest, does it cease to exist?


You are under arrested. You will think what I want you to think about. Do not question us. Pay your war tax. Watch your neighbors especially the foreign one.

*1st pix is the pix of my avatar - a drill sergeant with angry looking face and has siren on his hat. 2nd pix is the government-like official seal saying "Thought Police - United States Ministry of Truth"
This reminds me of The Secret.

The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.

Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.

What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.

The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.

This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.

In the movie they go on to say that since you can attract everything with thought, and eliminate disease through thought, then everything must be made up of thoughts.

Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Discover how to become a powerful magnet for the creation of personal wealth.

Relationships can be completely transformed, no matter what it's like right now. Learn how to transform every single relationship you have in your life.

Concerned about your health? Explore ways to open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health starting from wherever you are now.
Sourced from the same website

I'm still undecided how much of this I believe and don't believe. :shrug:

Is this what you had in mind, Grummer?
I think

I think therefore everything is? Kind of a twist on " I think therefore I am"
How about I breathe therefore I think therefore everything is? Which of course takes us one more step. I breathe therefore existence is. I kind of like feeling needed like that. Keep me breathing everybody otherwise we all perish. I am God! Whoa I think I better calm myself down here and go back to thinking about sex with women every thirty seconds.
I think therefore everything is? Kind of a twist on " I think therefore I am"
How about I breathe therefore I think therefore everything is? Which of course takes us one more step. I breathe therefore existence is. I kind of like feeling needed like that. Keep me breathing everybody otherwise we all perish. I am God! Whoa I think I better calm myself down here and go back to thinking about sex with women every thirty seconds.

cbj, kind of, but irony is you can also say it is so simple, but when you think it through you realise its not so, but it is a the same time. Same goes for quantum mechanics theoritcal perspective of what and how the intangilble is the lowest level of matter. matter can not be with out nothingness, the human brain is regulated by peptides a kind of protein that represents moods, the brain doesnt create consciousness, it only merely represents thoughts. Now the world we all see, hear, touch, smell all physical thing surrounding us is there , but its also made up of nothingness, every one of these atoms. Could we all be living in a kind of 'Matrix" world? who knows....

thoughts are movements of organic mass, and our brain is a kind of 'house' our perceptions of the world around us, are the biologically organised mass, everything we think, feel is governed by a kind of addictions of thoughts, maybe to stray and keep away from fear, isolattion, now then what does this might tell about the human nature the so called nature. "Nature" is now on its way out of the social dictionary, perhaps not quite until the late 21st century...explanations of what we are, and how we understand the world , does not occur unless we totally understand what we are. Science and religion are in war, right now, but it could make peace when we realise thoughts governs all things. We are living in a society where the mentality of 'get as much as you can in life" the game theory, and all are nothing but distortions, more like distractions to the real matters of 'life' or rather, existence.
i think id let others quabble, and bring in new angles, its fun I like the first post, so simple, probably oversimplified but that was the point i wanted to see what other people considers as thoughts and matter, or rather anti-matter? would the inter-dimensional beings (think crystal skulls of the Indy cinematic series), have thoughts held in denser mass? what is the prize of life? your (cbj) point of 'life purposes" is a great one. but distractions occurs because seemingly there is no 'room' or so we were told...ecological concerns of finite resources have already made way into our consciousness, but our concerns about how we use out minds as resources to enchance our ultimate perception is probably another 1,000 years from now or more
And that's why I don't take metaphysics. I get lost in my own thoughts... for way too long, then lose touch with reality thinking about the whole thing.
This reminds me of The Secret.

In the movie they go on to say that since you can attract everything with thought, and eliminate disease through thought, then everything must be made up of thoughts.

Sourced from the same website

I'm still undecided how much of this I believe and don't believe. :shrug:

Is this what you had in mind, Grummer?

I think "The Secret" is ridiculous, personally. They claim that the "law of the universe" is that like attracts like. Any science class will show that it's completely the opposite. Opposites attract. The only scientific thing I can think of that would be close is the "like dissolves like", and even that is because of opposites attracting.

Someone gave my mom that book when she had cervical cancer, and she felt like it was kind of rough that the book was basically saying that she must have given herself cancer by thinking about it, somehow...
I think "The Secret" is ridiculous, personally. They claim that the "law of the universe" is that like attracts like. Any science class will show that it's completely the opposite. Opposites attract. The only scientific thing I can think of that would be close is the "like dissolves like", and even that is because of opposites attracting.

Someone gave my mom that book when she had cervical cancer, and she felt like it was kind of rough that the book was basically saying that she must have given herself cancer by thinking about it, somehow...

hmm a valid point that, yep im not too surprised about your cynicalism about the 'mind of matter' but to a point it works, maybe then it depends on the individual but cancer is not 'moods' or bodily addictions so, to me since that is so, cancer can't be treated simply with programming your own hypothalamus to produce certain peptides which flows in the body's bloodstream , cancerous cells does not respond well (or never does), so yes i'd agree with you there.