Thought some might enjoy this article about a new "molar mike"

Jane B.

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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After seeing this "Incoming wireless signals beam directly into the mouth and are converted by the chip into mechanical energy, which imperceptibly vibrates the tooth and travels up through the jawbone –- essentially bypassing the ears — directly into the brain’s auditory nerves" as part of an article on the web site of a radio station from a neighboring town I thought this bunch here might enjoy reading that article. It is at
It's kind of a similar concept to a BAHA. They have something at the Royal Gardens in London where you bite onto a piece of wood and touch it to a transmitter and it sends the vibrations into your teeth and you can hear a recording they have about bees. It's a similar concept.
Yeew... I don't know how popular something like that would be... I wouldn't do it... partly because I hate the... ok dislike?... the dentist but also I'd be worrying about BREAKING it while I'm eating!

I tried to view the story but got this with the WJBD header at the top.

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They did have some problems for a bit. I have seen it since but am too busy with breakfast & getting ready for church. I will double check on it later..
That happened after I posted and I didn't get a chance to get back about it yesterday. I did send a question about where it went in to the station. I got back this link as they didn't know what ABC did with their post either (they are an ABC radio station) as they get these kind of stories from them.

This appears to be a link to the same thing that seb posted.
I also seriously doubt that the mouth mic can send the signal directly to your auditory nerve since the auditory nerve receives its "sound"from electrical signals that come out of the middle ear, so the molar mic probably sends sound to the middle ear which sends the "sound on to the auditory nerve.