They worked hard...

If you click on the picture, you can see the OP's real name. :giggle:
Not for common public use, until about mid-1800's. Definitely not in the 1700's.

History of photography - Encyclopedia

It's also obvious from their clothing that the picture was not taken in the 1700's or even early 1800's but later.
All they had to do here was change the date in the picture title. Not sure why they focused on 1700's.
My maternal grandmother had 16 kids. She was born in 1900 and was 14 when she got married. My mother was next to the last of the lot to be born. My grandmother lived to be 93.
My great great grAndma had 24 kids. But only a few survived because of the holocaust. My great grandma been one of them.
16 is a lot. But this is claiming, 16 pair of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets if quadruplets. That's 69 kids. And btw, that's more people than in that picture.......
maybe its a russian '9' written like a '7' and someone , along the line took it too literally as in 'english' font as a '9' thinking that 7 is a 9....
quite possible no?
maybe its a russian '9' written like a '7' and someone , along the line took it too literally as in 'english' font as a '9' thinking that 7 is a 9....
quite possible no?

Count in Russian from 1 to 10 - Cardinal numbers

I looked up Russian numbers and found this web site. My dad use to give me 'speech' lessons and had me count to 'three' Dad would tell me to say
"one , two , tree!" I still say 'tree' to this day and have a hard time saying 'th' sound .