So thirsty...


New Member
Apr 9, 2003
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One man went on the train.. Choo..Choo.. Later on, he was so thirsty and need a water. Then he looked beside him, there's another man there with 1/4 of water in his cup. He just ignored him.. Then looked on him again, there's 3/4 water in his cup! He became devestated to get that cup. But he ignored it again. Later, he looked at that cup again and it was filled all up. He decided to go over there to ask that man if he could drink his water. As he walked over there and asked him... The man looked up on him and said,"NO way! That's my spitting cup!":naughty:
G R O S S its the main word i ll use that was just plain D I S G U S T I N G!
:laugh2: i bet tha man gags and perhaps vomits right on the spot lol ;)