Should I get Sorenson NTouch?


New Member
Aug 4, 2008
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I thought I would ask if I should get Sorenson's NTouch or not?

I admit, I'm not a big fan of most relay services because it seems like every 6 months, my friends switch devices and I can't call them or they can't call me, etc.

I'm mostly interested in the free stuff that comes with the NTouch more than the NTouch itself.

I, for once, would like a relay service that is dependable and idiot-proof. So many choices out there and yet, most of the choices I've had (ZVRS, Purple, VP-200) have sucked donkey balls.
if your only initiative is to get free stuff -- and not improving VRS hardware/software products by using them and provide feedback then you are sadly pathetic. Its nice incentive to get things that are free , but technically its not yours. you get to use it for free when it helps you to use the VRS products. period.

I am for one sick of people getting stuff free and not using it for the purposes intended. This leads to abuse and guess what - abuse leads to no free stuff.
It only takes a few bad apples to make people think the whole tree is bad and rotten.
And the ripple effect just began a month ago, we will see more of you gonna to pay some to get service. The equipment no longer will be develop and designed specifically for Deaf. For HoH, they are in luck better than Deaf. And whatever VRS we know, will soon become just generic VRS. We might see trainer that usually makes house call a thing in past. That part is what concern me deeply. Many of Deaf people I have met and assisted during my tenure as Technical support. They have no clue, especially most can't read E mail instruction. FCC thinks we Deaf can read and write, why need send trainers over? Just to rake up FCC money? No no! not acceptable to them.

As of right now, I am kinda happy to be completely out of VRS business (Due to my own health reason :( ), and the great experience I had during the hey day of VRS industry where I actually helped some Deaf people find job! Yes, I actually done that. For instance, there was a customer, who was frustrated can't get their VP working and he actually demand us send trainer over. I do not have immediate authorization to send trainer over immediately because I have to submit to management and they makes the decision whether to send trainer or not, it can take time to process. Anyway, I convinced them that I COULD help him fix his VP issue. They balked me for a good while. I told them, "This seems to be easy fix for me and I could help you fix the problem" That is because I have tools that can see the network settings, and the problem that your VP system has. It is pretty much like OBD II scanner where I read the settings, and test several portion. Yes, the test came as failed and I knew the problem right away. They finally accepted my offer, and they allowed me barge in their computer. I personally don't care what the content of his computer. Nothing really matters to me, what matters to me the most is to get his VP working ASAP! I got in his gateway modem (A router built in modem), and I have to re-program the firewall settings, and fixed the settings on their VP. It was like 5 minutes job for me. Once I done fix the problem. Guess what? I called them back and it was busy, busy busy. I knew they were on the phone. I had no idea what kind of call it was. I have no way to monitor their calls, when I finally able to call them back and that was my last attempt before I move on next customer. They said "Many many many thanks to you, you made my day already! Thank god I had you and listen to you." I was like oh okay, good to hear that I was helpful for you. Is there anything else you want me to help you?
Their response was, "you have no idea whats going on? I was on other call, are you aware of it?". I said, "Im sorry, I really have no clue but I was aware that your on phone call because your phone kept telling me busy rather than dialing which is good news for me." they said "If it were not for you, I will miss this most important phone call!" I was like Well okay since it is important call, glad you got it. They said no no! I got job offer, if it were not for you, I will miss that job offer!.

I was like whoa! It was a real inspiration for me to be able to help other Deaf getting job.

Now you see, this is not a one time thing, there are several other awesome stories and experience I have, and I now see FCC set to destroy them. Not many of Deafies are aware of this and these stories are tend kept confidential.

My final word to FCC, "Why your destroying relay system based on one person wrongdoing, why punish all relay providers just because John Yeh cheated FCC outright, just punish John Yeh, not the rest of relay owners"