short questionnaire for people having profoundly hearing loss(cannot have HA or CI)

The same thing bugged me. "Have you met the situation that someone called you but you ignored them?" Wtf is that? Not hearing something is not ignoring it!! When you ignore something there is an implication there that you noticed something but purposely do not give it your attention. If we don't hear something then it does not get our attention so we therefore are not intentionally not giving it out attention.

It's possible there's a language problem here, but it still burns ass.

You kept your ass in the microwave stove too long!
nah, remember I was born Deaf. I am an ASL user. Since I was a kid, and my parents taught me how to be myself and dont be afraid. I remember when some people got angry that they thought I was ignoring them. I simply signed to them, "Hello, what's up?" Their face were bitter at first then their facial expression become like they were deer in the headlights. While they saw my hands moving as to sign in front of them by communicating to them. Either They got silent or keep saying, " I am sorry." or " Ah, NEVER MIND!" they walked out on me. :D For your information, I had an awesome childhood, and life. I have beautiful children, & family.

I was in a grocery store once with Finlay and there was a guy in the store that I was getting bad vibes from so I walked pass him while he was trying to get my attention . The guy started to get very angry at me and follow me , some of the employees stopped the guy and told him I was HOH. I normally to not like employees doing this but they where concerned for my safety .I am pretty good at reading people will ignore a person if I feel they're not safe to talk to. I was right about the guy. .
Ahhh but you may be getting it out too early, or a little too late! The timing is so important. You may have a bunch of unpopped kernels in there, or it might be a little overdone!!

Fortunately I have a life where I won't lose sleep over 10 unpopped kernels :D
Hry Ambrosia, if you put 1/4 cup popcorn kernels in a Pyrex bowl and put a plate over the top, you can make your own non chemical popcorn, then add your favorite seasonings!
If I recall, you start with 90 seconds, and adjust based on the number of kernels left. You can re microwave the ones that didn't pop.
It actually works. :)
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Soooo true. That's one of those times I get one of the kids, stand here and listen to the popcorn. The popcorn button is rubbish, and the smell of burnt popcorn is heinous.
The popcorn button on my microwave works perfectly everytime.
The popcorn button on my microwave works perfectly everytime.

My does not work fine , I end up having a lot unpopped corn kernels .
I like the pop corn popper machine , I can add a little real butter and not have greasy popcorn.
I mean our device hlep people who cannot have CI or HA (some people lose heaing totally and CI and HA won't help) The device will give you some sense to feel the danger, but we don't know if you have these problems or not. So the reason I am here is to see if you need such a device to help you

If the danger alert system involves directional visual display and/or processing, I already have it patented.
Dear All,

We are PhD students at Imperial College London. We plan to invent a new equipment which might help people with profoundly hearing loss in both ears (cannot wearing hearing aids or Cochlear Implants). However, we do not have this problem ourselves, and we do not know how exactly you feel, so we decide to post some questions here, and hope you could give us a hand.

1, Do you worry about your safety when you walk on the street, or cross the road? (cause you cannnot hear some danger)

Yes, especially when there's people around me.

2, Have you met the situation that you cannot hear the alarms in a building?

Not when I'm wearing hearing aids. I do worry about not hearing alarms in my home because without my hearing aids, it's anyone's guess what I'll hear.

3, When you are at home, do you feel it is inconvenient, as you cannot hear the beeping of microwaves, doorbell ect.

No, if I'm not the one using it. It is a pain to not hear someone knocking because I feel bad that they might think I'm ignoring them. However, the kitchen is another matter: I typically come close to creating a small fire each time I use the kitchen when I don't hear the kettle on the stove, or realize something has been cooking for a while and should be turned off. If I have something on a timer, I can't leave the area or I won't hear it go off.

4, Have you met the situation that somebody called you, but you ignored them?

Yes. Who doesn't?

5, Could you please write down all the problems you met, which was caused by that you cannot hear something.

To make it simple - if my hearing aids aren't in - I'm not hearing. If a battery dies and I don't have a spare, the same thing. If it's noisy, it's still very hard, if not impossible to understand what is said.

6, If you have HA or CI, but you still have these problems, you are also welcome to talk about it, but could you please mentioned that you have HA or CI.

Hearing aids.

Good luck,

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My does not work fine , I end up having a lot unpopped corn kernels .
I like the pop corn popper machine , I can add a little real butter and not have greasy popcorn.
The popcorn button is engineered for one 3.0-3.5 oz bag of prepackaged microwave popcorn like this.

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Ahhh but you may be getting it out too early, or a little too late! The timing is so important. You may have a bunch of unpopped kernels in there, or it might be a little overdone!! you got to wait til it gets to 10 seconds, not 5, not 15 or 20 haha, but 10 seconds between pops for it to be peeeerfect!! or hell maybe it's 20 seconds I don't remember it's been a long time since I tried to listen to when popcorn stops popping.

From what I understand microwaveable popcorn is horrible for you, I'd like to get a real popcorn maker but I don't really eat enough popcorn to justify it. Maybe I'd eat more if I got one though. At least until the novelty of having a new gadget wears off :D

The timing is very imortant. You can also set some waves according to bag weight. Also I buy smart balance healthy heart which doesn't have the bad chemicals.
I think that is the size I buy, but I do not like the after taste in most brands.
If you're talking about butter-flavored, I think there are three kinds, lightly-butter, butter and movie theater butter. Before opening it, shake it well to spread butter evenly.
If you're talking about butter-flavored, I think there are three kinds, lightly-butter, butter and movie theater butter. Before opening it, shake it well to spread butter evenly.

I tried all 3 flavored and they have an artificial after taste to them. There is too much fake flavoring on the pop corn.
I can usually get past the flavor. I hate the waxy feeling it leaves in my mouth. Ew.
With the microwave popcorn, I just stand in front of the microwave and watch the bag shaked. When the popcorn bag stop shaking, then I know it was all done, so either I opened the microwave door or knowing the timer had stopped. That is how I do it. :cool2: :)

I do the same so I don't burn it. If I step away without watching it (hearing has nothing to do with this issue)...I make crispy popcorn. Not the good kind either. :tears:

Makes me sad when it is the last bag too. I should get a new microwave.
The biggest problem among deaf people is that they've big egos. They like to brag about their turbocharged or supercharged engines. They would always get HA or CI if they want to be closer to the beautiful VROOMin sounds of turbocharged and supercharged engines. However, they don't. They'll prefer to feel the sounds. Also, those turbocharged engines make loud noises. Deaf people can hear them. Deaf people won't be able to hear an engine that is not turbocharged. I think that is why many deaf people like turbocharged and supercharged engines the best.