San Jose valley meidcal center gets scare after gun sighting at hopsital

I'm glad that it turned out OK.
With the number of gang bangers that use the facility I'm surprised they don't have a gun sighting every day.
yeah and plus what more it's across from my school san jose community college where I am currently attending.. blah *plays volin* and not that I am surprised but I'm used to crazy people coming thru my school for no apparent reason.. I just ignore them.. :)
VMC has a mental health facility on site, so it's not surprising that you have crazy people walking across the campus. SJSU has mental health half way houses all along 10th st. so they have their crazy's too; it sometimes brought some entertainment value to an otherwise normal day!
yep I know that too I had been around to SJSU too lol my mom works there as well anyway but i don't go SJSU that much but library is now on their campus so yeah i deal with crazy people myself as well but at least I don't bother going downtown anymore after I realized not worth my time and plus zannotto's the best italian supermarket now moved closer to where I live so I can just walk 15 mins from here to there.. plus have starbucks coffee there too lol ;)

VMC has a mental health facility on site, so it's not surprising that you have crazy people walking across the campus. SJSU has mental health half way houses all along 10th st. so they have their crazy's too; it sometimes brought some entertainment value to an otherwise normal day!