Questions For The Deafies & Hearies Thread --- Cultural Discussion Topic

Fly Free

New Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I had been at blockbusters recently and was standing in this MASSIVELY long line so i took the opportunity to observe the hearie in their behaviors --

why do u hearies seem to prefer talking without LOOKING at the person who is talking to u -- wouldnt that be a bit more polite if u were looking at the person to show that u were actually listening to him/her qq

can u guys explain this qq

if any of u deafies have something else for hte hearies FIRE AWAY!!!!!
Fly Free said:
I had been at blockbusters recently and was standing in this MASSIVELY long line so i took the opportunity to observe the hearie in their behaviors --

why do u hearies seem to prefer talking without LOOKING at the person who is talking to u -- wouldnt that be a bit more polite if u were looking at the person to show that u were actually listening to him/her qq

can u guys explain this qq

if any of u deafies have something else for hte hearies FIRE AWAY!!!!!

Oh, LOOKIE!! I'm the first one to respond to this!! :giggle:

*ahem* Seriously, Fly...

You raise a good point. That's actually something I never thought about before, but you're right. For the most part, we don't look at people when we speak to them. And, I guess, that could be construed as being rude, couldn't it?

I suppose that a hearing person might take for granted that what they are saying is being understood, so therefore, they don't feel the need to make eye contact with the person to which they are speaking to? :dunno:

Interesting to note, my parents are also hearing. However, I believe they are both slooooooowly going deaf or HOH. My Dad is particularly HOH, at times. Because I know this, I always look at them when I speak to them. This is also something I never thought about before. It's just something I've done.


Thank you for making this thread. This definitely gave me something to ponder.

Mucho glacias! :hug: Fly
Remeber.... Hearing depend with the ears, listening, hear, everything related with the ear, they don't want bother to use thier eyes, They will think (Why I should use my eyes to have a eye contact, you hear me and i hear you..) I know it's really COMPETELY rude.. but I do have hard time to read the lip if they don't eye contact with me i was like.. excuse me, can u say it again if they don't do, then i start bitch and sign pen and paper being rude with them.

Sometime they don't want to bother stare and stare.... they think it's way to polite to not stare too much. but still it's gotta to eye contact no matter what.
Oceanbreeze said:
Oh, LOOKIE!! I'm the first one to respond to this!! :giggle:

*ahem* Seriously, Fly...

You raise a good point. That's actually something I never thought about before, but you're right. For the most part, we don't look at people when we speak to them. And, I guess, that could be construed as being rude, couldn't it?
yea Ocean i was thinking that when i was standing in line and was like uhmm -- what if they were out on a DATE and not showing that the person is actually paying attention to the date or not

I suppose that a hearing person might take for granted that what they are saying is being understood, so therefore, they don't feel the need to make eye contact with the person to which they are speaking to? :dunno:
good question -- id be interested to hear what the other hearie members here would comment to that question u had commented

Interesting to note, my parents are also hearing. However, I believe they are both slooooooowly going deaf or HOH. My Dad is particularly HOH, at times. Because I know this, I always look at them when I speak to them. This is also something I never thought about before. It's just something I've done.
how would u feel that they might be slowly losing their hearing qq could there be a possibility that they might be "selectively" hearing qq


Thank you for making this thread. This definitely gave me something to ponder.

Mucho glacias! :hug: Fly

no plm Ocean!!!! :hug: :D
CoolieFroggie said:
Remeber.... Hearing depend with the ears, listening, hear, everything related with the ear, they don't want bother to use thier eyes, They will think (Why I should use my eyes to have a eye contact, you hear me and i hear you..) I know it's really COMPETELY rude.. but I do have hard time to read the lip if they don't eye contact with me i was like.. excuse me, can u say it again if they don't do, then i start bitch and sign pen and paper being rude with them.

Sometime they don't want to bother stare and stare.... they think it's way to polite to not stare too much. but still it's gotta to eye contact no matter what.

yea i know the hearies are taught not to "stare" as are us deafies too -- to me if u are in a converstation with someone it wouldnt be a "stare" i dont think :dunno:

waits to see what other hearies has to say abt this too -- good thought Coolie!
Fly Free said:
no plm Ocean!!!! :hug: :D

how would u feel that they might be slowly losing their hearing qq could there be a possibility that they might be "selectively" hearing qq

Well, Dad is going deaf. He has trouble hearing a lot of things in various situations, so I know it's not just "selective" hearing. (ignoring me, for the hell of it :lol:)

My mom, however, is another story. She has a habit of "selectively hearing" things when she just doesn't want to be bothered. Of course, I'm also guilty of the same thing! :Oops: :lol: :smash:
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Oceanbreeze said:
Well, Dad is going deaf. He has trouble hearing a lot of things in various situations, so I know it's not just "selective" hearing. (ignoring me, for the hell of it :lol:)

My mom, however, is another story. She has a habit of "selectively hearing" things when she just doesn't want to be bothered. Of course, I'm also guilty of this, myself, too! :Oops:

ahh gotcha Ocean -- that would make sense :lol: thanks! :hug:
Well, it really is considered rude to not make eye contact with someone as you are having a conversation. But in informal situations, it happens quite often.

My hubby and I sit back-to-back at our computers and have a conversation without looking up. Or if we're watching TV, we may comment on the program without looking at each other.

The relationship you have with a person (and topic of conversation) makes all the difference whether it's rude or not. In speaking with anyone other than a close friend or relative, I would consider it rude to not make eye contact. Or if you're having a serious conversation with anyone, you should make eye contact.
us hearies don't look at the people were talking too because most people are just to damn ugly to look at
This is a funny thread as you are absolutely right and I never noticed people doing that before.

In my situation, it depends on the social situation. With people that I know very well, I'll look them in the eye at the start of the conversation and occasionally throughout the entire conversation. If a stranger comes up to me, I will have more eye contact with them.

Something to note, and I don't know if its most hearies or just me, but I'm very observant as to what is happening in the room around me. While I may not make eye contact with you, its because I'm watching the door....or the guy up front reaching into his jacket. I've always been like this and it isn't a police thing. When I'm in a conversation and I"m making 'eye contact' in most cases, I'm watching over your shoulder :) This is one thing that will prove difficult for me when chatting with the deaf.
The simplest and most fundamental answer to your question is that hearing people use prolonged eye contact to indicate sexual attraction. Hearing people have a very complicated set of well understood but unwritten rules concerning how eye contact is made and how long it is maintained. Even a slight deviation from these rules can lead to a socially uncomfortable situation. For this reason, hearing people must break eye contact regularly throughout a conversation in order to adhere to these rules. Among hearing people, prolonged eye contact is either interpreted as sexual attraction, or it is considered weird.
Levonian said:
The simplest and most fundamental answer to your question is that hearing people use prolonged eye contact to indicate sexual attraction. Hearing people have a very complicated set of well understood but unwritten rules concerning how eye contact is made and how long it is maintained. Even a slight deviation from these rules can lead to a socially uncomfortable situation. For this reason, hearing people must break eye contact regularly throughout a conversation in order to adhere to these rules. Among hearing people, prolonged eye contact is either interpreted as sexual attraction, or it is considered weird.
Very good points. Also, prolonged eye contact among hearies can also be perceived as a sign of aggression or domination. A good example is during an interrogation.

I am basically a very shy hearing person, so eye contact for me is not natural. I have to force myself to maintain eye contact with deafies. It is not easy.

I was taught that "staring" was rude. It is hard to undo that training.
Reba said:
Very good points. Also, prolonged eye contact among hearies can also be perceived as a sign of aggression or domination. A good example is during an interrogation.

I am basically a very shy hearing person, so eye contact for me is not natural. I have to force myself to maintain eye contact with deafies. It is not easy.

I was taught that "staring" was rude. It is hard to undo that training.

Absolutely, Reba. I also have some "issues" that makes looking someone directly in the eye very uncomfortable for me. Usually, I have to force myself to look at someone directly in the eye (except my parents). Usually, when I am talkng to someone, I will put my head down, or I will look away from them after a few minutes. I've also been known to look past someone by looking at the wall behind them rather than looking at the person themselves.

It's not something that is meant to be rude. It's that looking at someone in the eye when I talk to them is very difficult for me.
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Oceanbreeze said:
...It's not something that is meant to be rude. It's that looking at someone in the eye when I talk to them is very difficult for me.
I agree. I guess that I am too sensitive. I feel like when I look into people's eyes that I can see into their souls, and they can see into mine. I prefer to keep my soul private. ;)
It appears to boil down to personal space for many and for those in close proximity in a line as to whether or ont they've brushed their teeth! LOL!
Reba said:
Very good points. Also, prolonged eye contact among hearies can also be perceived as a sign of aggression or domination. A good example is during an interrogation.

I am basically a very shy hearing person, so eye contact for me is not natural. I have to force myself to maintain eye contact with deafies. It is not easy.

I was taught that "staring" was rude. It is hard to undo that training.

I had not really thought a lot about this. I have spent most of my life in the hearing world. I do not have a dominating personality, and tended to avoid people who had to be in my face while talking to me, bored holes in my head with their eyes during a conversation, felt like it was O.K. to always be touching me. This is all, to me at least, very agressive behavior. Sexual, social, whatever. I know many species of animals will attack or retreat based on whether of not you stare into their eyes. Like Reba and many others, I was taught that staring was rude.

Then there is the thing "don't think about an elephant". Remember that one? Best illustration is a movie I saw where an actress had a huge mole on her face. Our hero found himself repeatedly refering to that mole throughout their conversation. Lol!

As I think about this subject, I can see how my prior behavior has changed with me loosing my hearing. I do tend to try to get people to face me and look me in the eye when we are trying to communicate. I can no longer catch small nuances in their voice that change the meaning of their words. A lot of that, as you well know, shows up in facial expressions and even with stone faces, in their eyes. And I never before noticed how many people talk without moving their lips! Ahhh... but the eyes are a horse of a different color! :gossip:
Reba said:
I agree. I guess that I am too sensitive. I feel like when I look into people's eyes that I can see into their souls, and they can see into mine. I prefer to keep my soul private. ;)

:lol: You and me, both! ;) Especially with certain people. There are people that I think can look directly to the core of my being and see things I don't want them to see. That just scares the living daylights out of me. There are things that I just don't want people to know about me.

It's very difficult when you think someone can just look at you, and tell what you're thinking or feeling, or they can look at you, and tell something about you.

Umm, no thanks...I steer clear of those types of people. In fact, I run very fast in the opposite direction! :lol:

I hate feeling like I'm :Owned: .
great thoughts folks!

some of u really have some good points on to why hearies dont look at the person while conversing -- i dont see how looking at a person would be perceived as a sexual come on or anything like that if in a converstation

Reba said:
I agree. I guess that I am too sensitive. I feel like when I look into people's eyes that I can see into their souls, and they can see into mine. I prefer to keep my soul private.

ive heard of that -- "the eyes are the windows to the soul" -- i can agree to that as the eyes of a person shows what they can be like in a sense

ANOTHER question for u hearies! what abt the touching thing -- deafies ALWAYS tend to *tapping shoulders* many hearies ive noticed do not like that -- whats wrong with a lil *shoulder tapping* especially when trying to be polite and ask to get thru -- u get what im saying qq ive noticed hearies BALK at that and im like :shock: relax! im only trying to get ur attention no big deal! *step back*
Levonian said:
The simplest and most fundamental answer to your question is that hearing people use prolonged eye contact to indicate sexual attraction. Hearing people have a very complicated set of well understood but unwritten rules concerning how eye contact is made and how long it is maintained. Even a slight deviation from these rules can lead to a socially uncomfortable situation. For this reason, hearing people must break eye contact regularly throughout a conversation in order to adhere to these rules. Among hearing people, prolonged eye contact is either interpreted as sexual attraction, or it is considered weird.

Yeah, I would call this something like "Bedroomy eyes"
sexual prey thing...
I'm sure that most of you can tell the difference :)
Taylor said:
Something to note, and I don't know if its most hearies or just me, but I'm very observant as to what is happening in the room around me. While I may not make eye contact with you, its because I'm watching the door....or the guy up front reaching into his jacket. I've always been like this and it isn't a police thing. When I'm in a conversation and I"m making 'eye contact' in most cases, I'm watching over your shoulder :) This is one thing that will prove difficult for me when chatting with the deaf.

I must be weird then, becuase when I talk to people, I don't really make much eye contact and Im DEAF! Of course I look at the people Im talking to to check that they are still listening to me!

Then my glaze starts to wonder cos Im always aware of whats happening around the room

I am basically a very shy hearing person, so eye contact for me is not natural. I have to force myself to maintain eye contact with deafies. It is not easy.

Me too! Maybe thats why I can't keep eye contact for long. It was a problem for my exboyfriend (he was deaf too), he wanted me to stare at him in the eyes, but I couldnt hold contact for long, no surprise that we broke up
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