

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Today I had my wife drop me off at my house on her way to work at 4am. I stuck around til 10am when the storm let up and started my 2 mile trek home. The main street I walk floods during rain.
So as I approach the bottom where the water is deepest, I see a mini truck turn onto the street as well as a car headed from behind me on the other side, so, I know the results and I see this ass hat in the pickup all the sudden speed up to match the car at the puddle, I mean literally speed up on purpose to hit that big lake sitting there...I have already thought this out before I got that far, so I made a wide path using geometry and algebra...lol yeah right....lol
Ok so this idiot hits that puddle and you can hear the motor rev as he got to it, He made one hell of a splash but didn't get me, I turned and looked and hes laughing and looking in the rear view mirror so I flip him the big bird and dare him to come back because I was gonna beat his ass senseless although he didn't get me, it pissed me off that this punk kid did that. Next time Ill have me a nice rock...Karma, I love it!
I hope he had something turbocharged so that he would get in Guiness World Record book with the highest blast. Lol haha. That idiot!!!
I was hoping it was going to be a super deep puddle and he got stuck. Then who would have been laughing, huh?!
Oh that would have been funny if they hadn't already fixed the pot holes that were there.