Prefer Working with Hearing or Deaf dominant


New Member
Sep 9, 2004
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Prefer working with two kind of environments (Deaf-Dominant/Hearing-Dominant), which choice would you make? Why?
I haven't worked in a deaf dominant environment, so I don't know. It would be nice to have some deaf around just for company and understanding.

I was at schools that had program for the hearing impaired and people were more understanding than a school with one deaf person.
I"ve worked in Hearing-Dominated work areas, but have always enjoyed having a deaf person here and there on the floor...someone to communicate with at least... :)

But since this world's dominated by hearies -- just have to learn to work with them and teach them how to socialise with us deafies and not leaving us out, etc. :D
PurpleRose71 said:
I"ve worked in Hearing-Dominated work areas, but have always enjoyed having a deaf person here and there on the floor...someone to communicate with at least... :)

But since this world's dominated by hearies -- just have to learn to work with them and teach them how to socialise with us deafies and not leaving us out, etc. :D

Yes I was thinking the same, also I miss not having you around at work!
Yes, I'm agree that it would be lovely to have deafies around workplace. I have no deafies around in my work place for 20 years but I'm lucky to have hearing coworker who is willing to learn sign language with me.
I've worked with deaf before, it isn't always fun because sometimes co workers can gossip about shit about u, other than that sometimes it's fun to share with someone u trust who's deaf, not boring quiet work all day long, u know? Depends on the situation, though....most of the time I've worked with hearing. :)