Portable smoke alarms


New Member
Jul 23, 2021
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Hi, my daughter is off travelling this summer and I’m worried about hotels/accommodation and what she would do in the event of a fire. I realise some hotels might be set up for this but others probably not. Could anyone recommend a portable smoke alarm or generally how you approach this issue when travelling? Thank you!
Your nose.

Literally. If something was to happen as long you are aware of where the escape paths (NOT ELEVATORS. They go straight to the fire floor and then open leaving you to be cremated alive in the car) it is really really really important never to use a elevator in a building suspected to be or is in fact on fire. Thats the other side of it. Those shafts they have huge natural vents at he bottom and top to move the air to keep you comfortable as the car goes up and down it. If a fire was to gain access to that nice lubricated greasy shaft its going to travel straight up igniting floors as it goes.

I have used portable sensors in the past in trucking and found that they are more trouble than they are worth. The air quality being poor in some areas anyway.

In hotel selections I usually seek out a all concrete building with no more than two floors. In taller buildings higher floors will probably kill you in a fire. Also keep in mind that Fire Trucks can only reach so much. In any city or town with a high rise higher than three floors they need to demonstrate a reacher ladder able to elevate so high before allowing that building to be built. (Usually 100 some feet up. Call it 8 floors)

I used to be able to examine a Cold Storage warehouse that has a windsock on the corner. Same with Refineries in say Lafayette Louisiana. Knowing the current wind direction will save your life going upwind should a alarm go off. Being deaf and hearing that? Well its not always easy unless there is a burst of activity related to evacuation.

In the west wild fires are common and are very dangerous. And so one is kept aware of the weather situation not in where you are but all the way to the ocean on the west coast and what will be expected next three days.

Some older hotels are not worth the trouble. If there was a fire it will sweep through the place fast enough as to leave your daughter going out the window with hardly anything on plus burn injuries and other problems. If I must stop at a older hotel, its always a single level and towards the end if possible. That extra wall with more windows etc gives you a fighting chance.

I usually stay in Bed and Breakfasts outside of any city large enough to be a problem. I can be assured of some quiet, a much smaller building (Usually a converted home and brought to code for hotel work) and overall a much quieter and indirectly a safer situation to be in.

Ultimately your nose, skin and eyes are it. If there is a fire big enough to matter, your daughter will pick up on that. If she is deaf she probably will pick on that faster through her other senses than some hearing who do not really depend on the various body sensory systems as well as we do.