Phonak has & program changes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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I've got the Phonak Sky Q70 with a MyPilot Remote.

I have my automatic program, ZoomControl, StereoZoom, DuoPhone and 2 x Roger FM programs, one of which is EasyRoger / FM. Plus my ComPilot programs.

I find I never change programs myself. I never use ZoomControl or StereoZoom. My DuoPhone is automatic as I've got a magnet on my cell which changes automatically and works very well. I only use one of my Roger / FM programs, the one that is Easy enabled so I don't have to change it myself. My ComPilot programs change themselves.

I find I hear very well in noise, in the car etc with my automatic program. I don't struggle.

I find I never touch my volume either.

What do other people do regarding changing programs? Do you find you change programs a lot or do you tend to leave them?

My Audi called me lazy today as Data logging (I think that's what it's called) showed that I never use certain programs and when he asked me why, I said it's because I can't be bothered to change to the programs.
Find another audiologist! Read the instructions with the hearing aid that may help.

I had problems with the volume control too, so you are not alone. Finding the right buttons to use is not always easy.

Fortunately I have a good audiologist. Some are just interested in selling a product and not really helpful to how to use it. My audiologist has mine set up for more than one hearing situation as pre-programmed. I have one for everyday, one for media like movies and music and one for crowds.

Find another audiologist, maybe get personal recommendations from friends that are also wearing hearing aids or through vocational rehabilitation services in your area. They are part of the Department of Health and Human Services in each state, at least I hope in each state.