Petition against "dirty signs" book publishing

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no use naughty signs in public where people can see just as hearing should keep bad lanage down.
I remember in my sophomore year, in band, my section leader at the time was my enemy. He always acted like he knew everything about the deaf culture. So one time we had our sectional, and we were taking a break. He decided to give me a sign name. He signed Deaf, with a K. because my name is Kirsten. And a lot of my friends laughed at that idea and I felt hurt because I mean yes I am deaf but i can do more than that. My sign name is signed as working with a K, my old teacher who was deaf gave me that sign name because i'm always a hard worker and that name stuck with me ever since.

It's disappointing how many hearing people think they can make up any signs and then brag saying "oh thats not the right sign, THIS is the right sign." I have had hearing people done that to me before. I feel like we, as deaf people, can be better teachers to the hearing about this. I mean theres always an easy way and the hard way. Sometimes we have to do the hard way. It's disappointing. And with this "dirty signs" thing going on, thats even more depressing. I mean, where's the common sense? I think this young woman needs to go back into school and do another course on deaf culture and ASL. If her college sees this i'm sure this will be an embarrassment for them. Including her family. But i highly doubt it.

Problem is she is making money -- And in the hearing community making money is the standard of excellence. Making money is success. The only crime is placing love of family, friends, the world, or humanity above the love of money.

If you think that sounds cynical show me all people in jail from the Enron incident.

He makes some outrageous statements to drum up interest in his assortment of media offerings. You even commented on this in a similar fashion; that he was getting more endorsements after making controversial statements.

Anyhow, I am done with this line of the chat. Back to topic.
He makes some outrageous statements to drum up interest in his assortment of media offerings. You even commented on this in a similar fashion; that he was getting more endorsements after making controversial statements.

Anyhow, I am done with this line of the chat. Back to topic.


No. Leave out the word "even". Reba was trying to make that same point as well.

I was making my point that anyone, even me, you, her or anybody else can use Google to do any kind of search.
yep kokonut.....on the scale of things an adjective signed wrong dont feature on my do i care list...i think some bsl signs surprise people,what been used for years is now so un oldies use them with no malice,i can think one sign that do not have same emphasis in sign as it do in english, showed that sign to hearing person they horrified,i dont think they had right to be
Her videos did say, "Be Please.", "Bag of noses.", "Your small breasts, you hot?", "Buy where? Want-want-want clouds above horizon," and etc.

I seriously hope nobody will come to me and to sign mistranslated sentences to me.
If someone talks to me like that, I would ask that person "What the fuck are you talking about, fool?" and then he/she would embarass him/herself. No big deal.
If someone talks to me like that, I would ask that person "What the fuck are you talking about, fool?" and then he/she would embarass him/herself. No big deal.

Yup, same here.

Don't mess with asshole guys.
Starting with there is a shortage of qualified interpreters, especially male interpreters. I've seen a lot of people start out gung ho to learn sign language as an easy way to earn big money. When they find out ASL isn't that easy to master they drop out.

Next is the problem that many terps feel that because they passed the board exams they are in fact the experts on ASL and many think they know more about "correct" ASL than Deaf children of Deaf adults. I'm not deaf and it irritates me to be told, "You are signing the old correct way. This is the 'NEW' correct way."

Next is the problem of money. Hearies without jobs look at $20 an hour as an offer from heaven. Many employers with tight budgets don't want to fork over the money for a fully qualified interpreter when they can talk a minimally skilled person to do it for one sixth the pay of the fully qualified interpreter.

Deaf people, in my view, have lost way to much control over ASL, Official dictionaries, and the standards interpreters should abide by.

DEFINITELY What is and is not ASL should be decided on by a panel of culturally Deaf people selected by culturally Deaf people.

Certainly all lexicographers should be Deaf. (They may be, I don't know.)

I completely agree with what you are saying 100%. My experience at the ITP taught me that some interpreters, once they get past the ITP or even while at the ITP, think they know everything about ASL. These are usually the people with no Deaf family or friends, and the ones who stay outside of Deaf culture. These are the students who turn to other interpreters and hearing friends rather than Deaf people with questions about ASL signs or grammar questions.

I remember in my intermediate classes at the ITP, there were upwards of 20 students. Many of them were obviously just in it for the money, having heard what terps can make. Needless to say, those people usually fall by the wayside once they realize how much concentration, effort and plain hard work it takes to learn Sign.

I agree that the Deaf community needs to take back ASL. In my experience, what the Deaf actually sign and what the ITP teachers show you can be two totally different things. Maybe that's why so many terps aren't that qualified? If you learn exclusively from hearing teachers and don't feel that the Deaf have control and legitimacy over their own language, it's likely that you have little respect for your Deaf clients and won't trust the Deaf to be experts on their language. I notice this often and it feels like a crime against the Deaf community.

And this girl! She has some kind of nerve making and distributing these videos. They are foolish and nonsensical, and I feel that they are just another way of making fun of Sign and Deaf culture. She admits that she does it for the amusement of her friends, not to showcase the beauty and intelligence of Sign. I feel like it's the equivalent of a hearing person learning about 10 words in Spanish, adding an -o to the end of every word that they don't know in Spanish and instead say in English, and thinking it's cute and funny. The Hispanic community would be outraged, and rightly so. This is just another attempt to bastardize and mock ASL, for her own monetary gain. Shame on her!
I am not sure if I was told or not, but was it something happened?

It's an expression (mostly hearing world) means someone who is a fake or shady and unreliable person. In other words, kokonut might have felt James Kittel didn't take responsibility to everyone for what he did with his book.
Anyway, this thread shouldn't be about comparing James Kittel to Kristin Henson, they're two different issues and two wrongs does not make a right...

There should be a separate thread or discussion between the two arguments because what Kittel did doesn't mean Henson can also do this.
This thread should be focused on the petition (which is what the OP wanted to focus on).
you're right there
if similar ways to Deal with the situation then go ahead but if its compare whos is bas as this or its a repeat of...i dohtnt wanna know, or nor i doubt others really want to sway to that..just focux on the objection, and what ought we much think about to prevent or discourage this kind of disrespectful, obnoxious self-serving behaviour...if someone wants to use it to criticise capitalism 0ok but keep it brief like, as long as you talk about power...who is winning, who is abusing the rights of the market or who ought to protect from the onslaught of marketiasation, i mean, Deaf culture and language shouldn't be a commodity, hell what about interpreters? then again, interpreters dont get much complaint because most of them are trained to observe ethics, but still...

anyway, if one thinks its relevent to compare the 2 people as naisho objected, then i wont moan about it, as long you give a good reason WHY you think we should note the comparison , but if its just compariing for comparison's sake, then drop it, focuz on the issue, or similar issue as close as you can. just get too caught up -thats all...happy bantering!!
you're right there
if similar ways to Deal with the situation then go ahead but if its compare whos is bas as this or its a repeat of...i dohtnt wanna know, or nor i doubt others really want to sway to that..just focux on the objection, and what ought we much think about to prevent or discourage this kind of disrespectful, obnoxious self-serving behaviour...if someone wants to use it to criticise capitalism 0ok but keep it brief like, as long as you talk about power...who is winning, who is abusing the rights of the market or who ought to protect from the onslaught of marketiasation, i mean, Deaf culture and language shouldn't be a commodity, hell what about interpreters? then again, interpreters dont get much complaint because most of them are trained to observe ethics, but still...

anyway, if one thinks its relevent to compare the 2 people as naisho objected, then i wont moan about it, as long you give a good reason WHY you think we should note the comparison , but if its just compariing for comparison's sake, then drop it, focuz on the issue, or similar issue as close as you can. just get too caught up -thats all...happy bantering!!

Grummer expresses the problem very well.

What is relevant, and to whom.

When are we too focused on a single issue, excluding closely related topics (Easy to do in English where "handsome and pretty" are two entirely different words because "Men are handsome" and "Women are pretty".) In sign language the original sign meant "good looking" (unless you screwed your face up in sarcasm) until some idiot hearie glossed it as "pretty". Now the sign is initialized, I'm told, with P for Pretty and H for handsome. (Gag).

When are we too diffused? Including too many issues that cannot be dealt with as one. I have a problem here because I see connections where other people do not. People accuse me of going "off topic" when to my mind they are one and the same subject.

I believe the person to decide when we are going off topic should be the OP.
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