Number 2


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Going on tues to pick up my second hearing aid. It's been a tough few weeks. First getting the confirmation that I was losing my hearing. Then having a few days where things were great followed by found out that my other ear had had a fairly significant hearing loss. Im moving out of my house becaus my mother has gone from being supportive, to telling me - "turn that thing up so you can hear me" she is making me mad. She also said she wont learn ASL. Again i dont know that i will ever need it. Its just aggravatinf. I am hoping that tues will give me the ability to understand conversations in a crowd again. Have the TV on and be able to have a conversation and all the other things I have been missing. Just writing to say I am looking forward to thu.
Good luck with the HA. I understand the "not-supportive" part very well. It's hard. I hope you can work through it.
Your mother sounds unpleasant. Good luck with your hearing aids and setting up house on your own.
Sorry about your Mom...would be hard for me to forgive, even forget what she said....but, good luck with the move!...Spread ur wings and fly!
Good Luck with everything.

Shame about you mom, I've bumped in to strangers and even family members that don't accommodate my loss, even by just looking at me to lipread them.