New planes in the future

Interesting stuff!
I don't think supersonic travel is the future though - remember Concorde and the Russian TU-144? Although to be honest, those planes were ahead of their time.
People want cheap travel, but don't want to pay any extra to get to their destination quicker!
I don't know what shape the planes of the future will be, I just hope they give travellers a little more leg room :)
yep those supersonic were designed from the late 1960's!...well...its not the speeds, its the destination...tourism at the 'new international space stations!'...thats the key, the hybrid jet/rocket IS going to happen...people will feel far safer in these than the rockets which hurles people at 20x speeds of sound vertically...i really believe that the new earth/space jets are bound to happen....and its the rich who gonna pay for it, they dont care, right now its $1M+ per trip, very few done so, also they have to train to withstand the rocket's blast ...with quick enter into zero gravitational pulls once it reaches into the blackness of the sky...
so bu like would be like 500k...(and inflation by then, we'd never know if we're being ripped off or what)
this is what I really one - ‘Oblivion’ and Tom Cruise: A closer look at the Bubble Ship design | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture – Los Angeles Times
