New Boots!


Adrenaline Junky
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2008
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This is one of my favorite jokes, and it is best told in person, but couldn't resist sharing with you all!!!

An old man buys a pair of new cowboy boots. He went home to his wife and couldn't wait to show them off. He puts them on and goes into the kitchen where his wife is busy cooking dinner.

"Sooooooo, notice anything new about me?" says the old man.

The wife looks back at him, takes a glance, and says "Hmmm, nope."

The old man felt a pang of disappointment. He decides to do a little dance, loudly tapping his boots against the kitchen floor. "How about now? Notice anything new?"

The wife again looks at him and replies "Nope."

The old man, feeling defeated, slumps back to his bedroom. He decides to take ALL of his clothes off, leaving only his boots on. He comes out to the kitchen and does the dance again. "Now.... what is new about me??"

The wife looks at him and notices that he is very much naked. She looks him, particularly his crotch area, and says "It's hanging low and it has always been hanging low. Nothing new to see."

The old man started getting upset and yelled out "Well, do you know why it's hanging low? Because it's looking at my new boots!!!"

The wife replied, "Well, you need to get a new hat."
Kind of a mean joke. I would say to the bitch, "How about I wear a paper bag so I don't see your tits on the floor?" :roll: