Message from dreama


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
hi everyone.
i've not been able to post on all deaf for quite a while now. i
really miss you all. ii am using braillee only right now not braille
and zoomtext as i did before. as zoom is no longer accessable for
me. i'm sure there is a way for braille readers to access all deaf
but unfortunately i simply don't know it as yet as i never fully
matered all the camands on my focus braille diplay so i used to use
braille for reading and zoom to help with control but since then
i've stopped being able to see zoom at any magnification level. in a
way it was just the prompt i needed as i was relying way too much on
zoom. i have also now got a braille note and hope to get lessons on
it soon so one way or another i hpe that eventually i will be posting
on all deaf again.

until then i was wondering if anyone could email me my email address
is dreamavdb at googlemail. com cjb has been kind enough to pass
all this message on to you all and hopefully he will pass on any
replies but it would be nice alos if anyone emails me directly. until
i get back on all deaf.
also if anyone has added me to their friends list and i haven't
respnded i'm sorry it's not because i have become unfriendly but i
have not been able to access all deaf recently. i tried to press on
the link on some of the notifications i get but that doesn't seem to
do anything

anyway i hope to communicate with youu again sometime in the future.
i hpe that you can crate a fuile and copy all that for me.
i am starting a course for my braille note next friday hoping it isn't
cancelled again so hopefully it won't be too long.

thanks very much for being so helpful.

If I email dreama should I use a large font or what would be best?
Just use normal font.

Used to be on her mailing list.

Thanks - I wasn't sure if vision problems may have gotten worse or not. I know that my aunt had to have a really large font to be able to read any letters or messages. Something like 24 or 36 pt.
Thanks - I wasn't sure if vision problems may have gotten worse or not. I know that my aunt had to have a really large font to be able to read any letters or messages. Something like 24 or 36 pt.

The thing is with a lot of blind people, they adjust their computers themselves, rather than relying on the senders to adjust for them.
Thanks - I wasn't sure if vision problems may have gotten worse or not. I know that my aunt had to have a really large font to be able to read any letters or messages. Something like 24 or 36 pt.

She uses braille only now, so font size doesn't make a difference.
The thing is with a lot of blind people, they adjust their computers themselves, rather than relying on the senders to adjust for them.

KristinaB: when needing magnification everything needs to be magnified, not just the content of the email itself.

Nice of you to think of that though. :)
dreama says:

cjb is right. as i use braille the font size does not matter at all. when i used zoom it was style rahter then size as zoom magnificat
everything for me as large as i wanted but i cannot see at all now so
that's out. cjb is being kind enough to post all the replies so and
i am willing to answer any other questions.
dreama says:

cjb is right. as i use braille the font size does not matter at all. when i used zoom it was style rahter then size as zoom magnificat
everything for me as large as i wanted but i cannot see at all now so
that's out. cjb is being kind enough to post all the replies so and
i am willing to answer any other questions.

If this sounds stupid, please excuse me as this is an area I don't know a thing about.

If you get an email and your are now not able to see anything, are you able to print it out in braille?
eternity, dreama is a member of AD. dreama is her chosen user name.
dreama says:

cjb is right. as i use braille the font size does not matter at all. when i used zoom it was style rahter then size as zoom magnificat
everything for me as large as i wanted but i cannot see at all now so
that's out. cjb is being kind enough to post all the replies so and
i am willing to answer any other questions.

have Dreama try AD in mobile? perhap it would more braille friendler than the regular AD version.
from dreama:

lighthouse: thanks for your advice about mobile features. i will try
and fix my settings so it is on bobile but when i cliced on the link i
still have the problem of the page opening up in a differant window
that i can't get at. when that hitch is sorted out i hope it will

thanks for all your replies. i can't help but notice none of the
recular posters have ansered this email like karasmane, maria, hear
again, mrs bucket, maria chris's mom kokonut shel giro reba etc...
aren't you glad to hear from me again.

cjb will forward any messaged from this email to me.
from dreama:

lighthouse: thanks for your advice about mobile features. i will try
and fix my settings so it is on bobile but when i cliced on the link i
still have the problem of the page opening up in a differant window
that i can't get at. when that hitch is sorted out i hope it will

thanks for all your replies. i can't help but notice none of the
recular posters have ansered this email like karasmane, maria, hear
again, mrs bucket, maria chris's mom kokonut shel giro reba etc...
aren't you glad to hear from me again.

cjb will forward any messaged from this email to me.
Dreama, I am sure everybody is glad to hear from you again. And I hope you have really good luck with your book.
Wirelessly posted (Sidekick LX: Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

I just got a message from someone to inform me.

I'm really sorry if I don't reply to your thread cos I don't know what to say. I was in shocked by someone's death two days ago. It is a long story... But, honestly, I'm surprise that you are back! And, I'm so happy that you are doing so well. *grins*


- Jessy
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