Introduction to a scientific type newbie, love science!

Red Iron Horse

New Member
Mar 29, 2022
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Newbie here! I'm actually Jerry, Hard of Hearing in both ears, had severe fever at age 4 yrs old resulted 'burning of the nerves' on both cochleae. Was able to wear 2 strong hearing BTE aids ever since early 1960's and now down to only left side remaining. I reside in SW corner of Michigan in rural country. I'm working on retirement at this time after seeing my old company closed their doors after 38 years there. I used to fix whatever they broke, (maintenance), on die cast related equipment. I proved to those I worked with that I'm no dummy and made many good hearing friends. Hoping I can get some practice on my ASL since I learned it late in life and still slow at it. I didn't go to any special hearing impaired schools, only public schools. I wanted to try living normally as much possible but kind of refusing to accept that I have a disability. Attended college couple years learning Applied Science as science is my favorite thing. Wow, has the technology changed since my college days! I started meeting other deaf after finishing high school, I already knew a few local deaf and met more through them. We are scattered all over and Facebook seems like a good answer for those that need it. Well, that refusing to accept my disability gracefully backfired, but all's good regardless as life goes on! Ready for spring flowers and flutter byes (butter flies).