Introducing DeafBadger, Part II

Here's the link that Rach gave me: She said that acceptance of oral deaf does depend, but as always if you keep an open mind and have the attitude that you missed out on learning ASL as a kid, and REALLY want to learn you'll be accepted.
I am fine. I am trying to get use to Santa Fe instead of Albuquerque, New Mexico where I used to live for many years before moved to Canada in 1994 close to 1995. My husband passed away in June of 2012. We had been married for 15 years before he passed away. That is why I decided to moved back home only to live next door to my sister's house in Santa Fe, New Mexico. So far I have been living here for about one year and half since September of 2013. So everything is good here. :)

I'm glad you're doing well in your new place. It must be nice to visit your sister whenever you want to. :)

Sorry to hear about your husband. RIP.
Here's the link that Rach gave me: She said that acceptance of oral deaf does depend, but as always if you keep an open mind and have the attitude that you missed out on learning ASL as a kid, and REALLY want to learn you'll be accepted.

Thank you for checking with her. I'm familiar with the site, but I'm hoping to find an event that is sort of "mixed," ASL/Oral because it might be more accepting. I thought maybe it would be easier to find my way into the community and learn ASL in that context.

Or if not that, I'm hoping to find someone who might "sponsor" me in the community. It might be easier to find acceptance in the community if there's someone (who is already a part of the community) who "has your back".

That's really why I'd like to start by communicating with someone in the community, instead of showing up at an event as a stranger where no one knows me.
I saw that you mentioned the Myers Briggs temperament sorter... :)

INTJ here too! I always love when I find people of my kind. :) and someone who knows what I'm talking about.

My name is Danielle, nice to meet you. :)
:wave:My dad grew up in Chicago and also in Minneapolis.
He has fond memories of both places.

I found this...just posted in case anything could be helpful:

Thank you, dogmom! That looks like a useful resource. :ty:

Minneapolis is pretty cool so far. There's a lot of variety of things to do, and the park / lake / trails system interspersed throughout the core cities and the suburbs is really unique. Not surprised your dad would have fond memories of Minneapolis, it's really quite beautiful in the summer. :)
I saw that you mentioned the Myers Briggs temperament sorter... :)

INTJ here too! I always love when I find people of my kind. :) and someone who knows what I'm talking about.

My name is Danielle, nice to meet you. :)

Nice to meet you too, Danielle! And a fellow INTJ as well. :wave:

I'm pretty sure there must be a secret club of INTJs somewhere.... lol
I actually fighting the badgers cause maybe deafbadger you go to,I know it uk animal but we all responsible for our wildlife where ever we live and you got the name so must like badgers
I actually fighting the badgers cause maybe deafbadger you go to,I know it uk animal but we all responsible for our wildlife where ever we live and you got the name so must like badgers

I came up with "DeafBadger" because I couldn't think of anything else. :lol:

I'll check out the link and see how I can help. :)