Interesting article about pant sizes


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Herb Weisbaum: A Simple Way To Know Whether To Lose Weight

July 6, 2006

By Herb Weisbaum

Audio : KOMO 1000 NEWS
Scientists found that people who wear larger pants or dress sizes have a greater chance of developing cardiovascular disease.

SEATTLE - We hear it all the time – Americans are overweight; obesity is out of control. Maybe you've wondered, what about me? Is my weight heart healthy or am I carrying around too many pounds?

I read an interesting article in this month's Consumer Reports on Health that suggested a simple way to answer that question, and it doesn't involve a scale!

Scientists at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary in Scotland found that people who wear larger pants or dress sizes have a greater chance of developing cardiovascular disease. That makes sense. But how big are we talking about?

The researchers found that when a man needs a size 36 pants and a woman's dress size hits 16, health risks start to go up. When those trousers hit a size 38 and the dress size goes to 18, the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes shots up significantly.

The doctors in Scotland who did this study (published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics) point out that many people don't know their weight, but few people don't know their garment size.

Medical Editors at Consumer Reports say clothing size “corresponds nicely to waist circumference, which predicts heart risk much more accurately than the body mass index (BMI), a measure based on weight and height. This simple new indicator,” they say, “could motivate some people to launch a health regimen” to get back to a weight that is heart healthy.

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Yes, Very interesting and a very good way of looking at it. :) :thumb: