I'm curious do u prefer a guy to pay for dinnner or he want u to pay for dinner?

which one u prefer to do on first date?

  • he prefer u to pay for dinner on first date

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • u prefer him to pay for dinner on first date

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • dunno?

    Votes: 8 28.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
hey guys and gals-

I'm so curious but do u ever experience about payin for dinner on first date?
Even though I am a non-conformist and a feminist... I am still a self-professed old-fashioned chick with values that my parents instilled in me. My parents taught me that the "boy" was supposed to do the things for the "nice girl". He was supposed to open the door, help her take her coat off, hang it up for her, help her pull the chair (NOT pull it and allow her to fall on her ass!!!), help her push the chair back into where she felt comfortable with. He was supposed to pick up the dinner bill, if there was a rain puddle, he was supposed to take off his coat and lay that on the rain puddle so she would not get her high heels wet. He would open the passenger side door open and shut it. He would drive her home and not :naughty: at her!!!! He would be a perfect gentleman!!! No kissing at the first date was allowed!! Lightning would strike!!!! The girl's parents would go :eek: if she kissed.. ohhh.. their reputations!!! Everything he did for her was called "chivalry" and chicks... it ain't DEAD!!! You just got to look for the right guys in the right places if you love to be woo-ed instead of ogled and man-handled on the "first" date!!! The guy picks up the bill on the first date and he expects something in return!!! The cad!!! :eek: With me... nuhhh-nuhhh... I don't operate that way... I'm a classy chick and it takes more than a few dates just to go "first base... second base... " ;) *Thanking MamaFreaky & DaddyFreaky for teaching me values!*
id prolly go dutch on first date and see where it goes from there and make it ultra clear there is no commitments expected either!!
Originally posted by Fly Free
id prolly go dutch on first date and see where it goes from there and make it ultra clear there is no commitments expected either!!

yup same here :D
I like to be fair... split the cost, or pay our own. :P Actually no one have ever asking me to go out on a date before I got married.
Originally posted by ChelEler
I like to be fair... split the cost, or pay our own. :P Actually no one have ever asking me to go out on a date before I got married.

:shock: u serious? damn.. lol I haven't been on any dates for a while I usually date strange guys who doesn't have $$$ but this time I'll try to find a GOOD guy but it'll take me longer but worth my time to wait ;)
Originally posted by prettybebe78
:shock: u serious? damn.. lol I haven't been on any dates for a while I usually date strange guys who doesn't have $$$ but this time I'll try to find a GOOD guy but it'll take me longer but worth my time to wait ;)

*ahems* erica ...... *peers at u* :mrgreen:
yep yep paying on own way is better than having ONE person shouldering the cost for the dinner -- especially if its the first date cuz now a days more ppl tend to pay for themselves on first dates and sometimes for a few additional dates after that
paying for a dinner, for me i did rather to be equal but only for first timers... he will be able to have that much of money to pay US both a dinners... :roll: only if men knows how.. :squint: don't yall?
On my first date, I don't usually to pay for dinner. we go for half-half. If I like her, then for next date, I would pay as being nice boy to make lady feel a princess-ish. give her a good treat experience before hopefully hit each other.
Well, that is a toughie when there are two men in a couple! LOL
Usually we took turns paying for the meal or whatever. Sometimes it would depend on the occasion, like birthday, new job, good news, etc... Sometimes we would pay half-half. No biggie.
Well I am more of a old fashioned way, on a first date I would want a guy to pay for my dinner but now with my bf, we always take turns paying for dinner, it's nice that way.

same with if theres 2 women as a couple LOL -- but ahh i still stand by first dates are paid by self as opposed to 1 shouldering the whole dinner costs and if get into relationship then can take turns like kuifje had stated previously
On a first date, I don't mind paying for dinner... it's traditional. However, while we're dating... I rather we do it evenly. Sometimes I pay, sometimes she pays, sometimes we both pay. More fair that way. If it was the traditional method all the way, then I'd be broke by the end of the week! Argh!
Originally posted by Freaky
Even though I am a non-conformist and a feminist... I am still a self-professed old-fashioned chick with values that my parents instilled in me. My parents taught me that the "boy" was supposed to do the things for the "nice girl". He was supposed to open the door, help her take her coat off, hang it up for her, help her pull the chair (NOT pull it and allow her to fall on her ass!!!), help her push the chair back into where she felt comfortable with. He was supposed to pick up the dinner bill, if there was a rain puddle, he was supposed to take off his coat and lay that on the rain puddle so she would not get her high heels wet. He would open the passenger side door open and shut it. He would drive her home and not :naughty: at her!!!! He would be a perfect gentleman!!! No kissing at the first date was allowed!! Lightning would strike!!!! The girl's parents would go :eek: if she kissed.. ohhh.. their reputations!!! Everything he did for her was called "chivalry" and chicks... it ain't DEAD!!! You just got to look for the right guys in the right places if you love to be woo-ed instead of ogled and man-handled on the "first" date!!! The guy picks up the bill on the first date and he expects something in return!!! The cad!!! :eek: With me... nuhhh-nuhhh... I don't operate that way... I'm a classy chick and it takes more than a few dates just to go "first base... second base... " ;) *Thanking MamaFreaky & DaddyFreaky for teaching me values!*

Gee, I am liking you already! :naughty:
Originally posted by Grumpy Kiki
paying for a dinner, for me i did rather to be equal but only for first timers... he will be able to have that much of money to pay US both a dinners... :roll: only if men knows how.. :squint: don't yall?

"only if men knows how"?? Excuse me?? How about "only if women knew how to be 2 things: gracious and grateful?" And I always pay for the date first.