If Whites never bring Slaves here...


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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My Nephew asked me this question...

What if Whites never bring Slaves here?

What would USA be like?

If this is too offensive, I apologize, MOD can remove it.

But would Abraham Lincoln be famous?

Would John F. Kennedy be President or still be alive today?

Would there still be cars, tv, and rocket going up to the moon?

And Oprah, Martin Luther King Jr and other famous Black not be exist,
what kind of country would USA be.

What about the Caribbean Islands, with no Blacks there? Would
Tourists still go there?

Would USA be number one Country without us Blacks?

Everyone on TV Show is 90% Whites, anyway.

Would there be football games and Boxing, and Basketball games?

What about Mexico and South America?

How do I answer my Nephew's question?

I also want to mention that slaves still exist:

Sex traffickings.


Debts. We are slaves to money.
Tell your nephew that is a BIG what if question but cant change history so no use in wondering what the USA would be like. However, it is an interesting question..just cant be answered unless someone can.
When you ask if USA would be number one country without not only African Americans, but also without slavery itself, I have to say no. America was built on slavery; today a fifth of the economy still depends on illegal immigrant labor, which often exists in slavery-like conditions, especially in agriculture.

Not to mention the fact that even though 90% of the people on TV are white, we whites have stolen SO much as a culture in terms of music, art, dance and so on, that even our whitewashed tv wouldn't be the same. After all, we all know where Elvis learned to dance.
Slaves are what made our country very rich, believe it or not. Without them, we'd be very poor.
I am taking American history this semester, and learned that even before slavery, there were indentured servants in America. They would work in hard conditions for 5 to 7 years, then if they were lucky, they would get their own farms. So, we had "white slaves" bound by contracts in the beginning, but when a lot of people heard about the horrible conditions of indentured servitude, there was a decrease of white men moving to the US. So the colonists saw to the Spanish and Portugese example and started importing Africans to do slavery work without contracts.

Besides, did you know that slavery existed in Africa? Black men would own black men as slaves, and the Spanish and Portugese just kind of took advantage of that. Slavery still exists in some parts of Africa in this day.
Tell your nephew that is a BIG what if question but cant change history so no use in wondering what the USA would be like. However, it is an interesting question..just cant be answered unless someone can.
I totally agree. Pure speculation. What if a frog had wings? Would he bump his ass when he jumped? It's all speculation. What if ... what if ... what if... hmmmmm.. :dunno: I will say that I think slavery is something that humans should not do to each other. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to point that out to the young lad.
Slaves are what made our country very rich, believe it or not. Without them, we'd be very poor.
I don't believe it. Perhaps it made some individuals rich but I would never agree that it made the country rich... I would like to see proof of that one.
I don't believe it. Perhaps it made some individuals rich but I would never agree that it made the country rich... I would like to see proof of that one.

I agree with you. Our country did a whole lot better without slavery. When slavery ended, everyone had a paying job to support their family , and that is what helped the economy grow. If you aren't being paid because you are a slave, you wouldn't be able afford to buy things. How can the economy grow if only the slave owners could support other slaver owners and no one else?
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When you ask if USA would be number one country without not only African Americans, but also without slavery itself, I have to say no. America was built on slavery; today a fifth of the economy still depends on illegal immigrant labor, which often exists in slavery-like conditions, especially in agriculture.

Not to mention the fact that even though 90% of the people on TV are white, we whites have stolen SO much as a culture in terms of music, art, dance and so on, that even our whitewashed tv wouldn't be the same. After all, we all know where Elvis learned to dance.
I would never credit the success of this or any country to slavery. Slavery is wrong no matter how you slice it. Just because slaves were employed to do labor that may or may not have helped build doesn't mean it had to be that way. And don't confuse illegal immigrants with slaves. They are mutually exclusive and if you think illegal immigrants are working in slave like conditions, then you really don't know what slave like conditions are. One thing that I have noticed over time is that there are more non-whites on TV and in high paying jobs and in government. There is no doubt in my mind that we have evolved from the "good ole boy"mentality and generally people are more accepting of each other but there are still pockets of hatred that hopefully will soon diminish.

Empress, the best thing you can do is take this opportunity to teach your nephew that slavery was (and still is) wrong. Teach him about brotherhood and that we are all of a single race, the human race. And that each and every human being on this planet has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and is not there to be used for someone else to profit on.
I am taking American history this semester, and learned that even before slavery, there were indentured servants in America. They would work in hard conditions for 5 to 7 years, then if they were lucky, they would get their own farms. So, we had "white slaves" bound by contracts in the beginning, but when a lot of people heard about the horrible conditions of indentured servitude, there was a decrease of white men moving to the US. So the colonists saw to the Spanish and Portugese example and started importing Africans to do slavery work without contracts.

Besides, did you know that slavery existed in Africa? Black men would own black men as slaves, and the Spanish and Portugese just kind of took advantage of that. Slavery still exists in some parts of Africa in this day.

I agree with you.

We still have slaves in America...
They are called Interns, Prisoners, people in job training, Volunteers....

Speaking of indentured servitude... the person #1 starts making pies, Person #1 gets job then after that she makes enough money, and then she hires people #1 to work for her, and then people #1 hire people #2 to work for them, then as the corporation grows.... people #2 hire people #3 to work under them....

Just like Martha Stewart and her Corporation.... her business grows
and grows and grows.
Slaves are what made our country very rich, believe it or not. Without them, we'd be very poor.

Yeah we do need slaves. But those slave owners had to feed them, give
them clothes, and stuff... but we don't need to abuse slaves, by chaining them up and stuff. What about all of those Homeless people... It is
better than being Homeless... these homeless people need to be maids,
cut grass, or something.

Just like me staying at my momma house, my mom feed me, buy me
clothes, and let me stay in the house...
but I have to clean up the house and do my duty.
Empress, the best thing you can do is take this opportunity to teach your nephew that slavery was (and still is) wrong. Teach him about brotherhood and that we are all of a single race, the human race. And that each and every human being on this planet has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and is not there to be used for someone else to profit on.

If they never brought those slaves here in America ( north and south) in first place, then u will not be born here in USA. Think about it, no slaves here then we do not have many Afircans living here now these day right? The children of now should be thankful they born here today and be a proud American.