If Only There Were A Cure...

Can you describe the tinnitus masking system you bought? What kind of a sound does it make and where can they be purchased? I've heard white noise is good for tinnitus. Someone recommended that I get a white noise machine, but if I decide to listen to white noise, I can always accomplish the same thing by tuning a radio in between 2 stations.

Tinnitus Masker CD's by Petroff Audio Research
I've gone through that,too...i have a variety of high pitches, all kinds of sounds...if i get too much rest it gets worse, like my ears throb, the high pitches get really, really high...i just get busy, read, laundry anything!! sometimes i just listen to it...recently i noticed new sounds, wierd..i don't wear anything, just deaf..all i can hear are my thoughts, music and tinnitus in my head...i know it's rough..sometimes i think i hear something and ask what was that noise and they'll say there's no noise...i hear phantom sounds
how do you make it sing for you? i try really hard to block the music from continuing but it doesn't work very good...i try to interrupt it to keep it from finishing, ughhhhh!
a few years ago i heard a male voice in my head telling me something...that's the first and last time i ever had that happen..sometimes i hear someone call out my name...i'm reading all these posts and i had no idea everyone gets this...the tinnitus is horrible..i hate it...i woke up one day when i was 18 and it's never gone away..sometimes it goes so low it seems like it will stop then it just goes to an unbelievable high pitch...i never talk about this so it's a relief to know i'm not the only one!
how do you make it sing for you? i try really hard to block the music from continuing but it doesn't work very good...i try to interrupt it to keep it from finishing, ughhhhh!

I don't know, I just listen to it like it is music. kinda like when you close your eyes and try to look at the sunspots (you know, that spot you get after you've been looking at something bright). I sort of like study it in a way.