I you could make a law for hearies to learn 10 signs, what would be most important?


New Member
Apr 14, 2008
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What do you think would be the most important signs, or phrases that all hearing people should be able to understand.?
Hmm. This is a tough one.

Call ambulance, police, fire dept. should definitely be top priority, though.
Hmm. This is a tough one.

Call ambulance, police, fire dept. should definitely be top priority, though.

I think you are right. Top priority.

I was also thinking that they should be able to understand what they do wrong when people are trying to read lips,, you know, like turning away and all of the other stuff like chewing etc.
What do you think would be the most important signs, or phrases that all hearing people should be able to understand.?

Maybe they should know the sign for deaf, so you can let them know that you are deaf, and maybe the sign for write, so they would be at least able to write something to you????