I dont know if......

Dang travis you been staring at the pic for a while havent you. Get a life.

If you all think im bashing im not. click the site and find out.
Dang I forgot that I was supposed to keep my eyes glued to it and went to other sites instead. Time: 1 hour 20 minutes 03 seconds.
UHHHHHHH OKKKKKKKKKk ummmmmmm what was i supposed to see i been staring at that pic for the last min and a half. and to me what i see is just some dork leaving the light on when its broad daylight ?????? was that it?????
OK I just been whapped.... 3 mins and 19 seconds staring at some stupid pic RME myself ..........
I have no patience with that pic so I click on refresh like 10 second later and go ooh doh me ofc I have a mofo life!