I am at RIT now

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
I am at RIT now since about almost two weeks during the SVP week...it seems okay so far just kind of not used to the big change and everything yet but so far Im having fun lol any of u at RIT or what?
You'll meet few of my old students at RIT. They has been my students and athletes that who played for me during basketball seasons when i coached. Sorry, im sure you'll meet Fremont (CSD) students, some of them are first year, second year also...third/fourth year isnt sure if they are still there. As far, i know only one is still in Master's program.
Huh oh! your not far from me, LOL

Hope you had great time at RIT, and hope you decide which major you want to head to.

Enjoy crazy Rochester weather. ;)
Hey, man; good to hear from you; hope you are doing well. Major? Too early to tell?
since you are an art major can you post the pics of the nude models here please. i like art showing the female form. paintings are ok but color photos work best thanks:eek3:
Ah, and RIT was named as being one of the best schools in the Northeast in an article published by Parade newsmagazine. (It's actually a 15 page insert inside of my Sunday paper). Glad to know a deaf school can compete with the other schools in terms of size, range of academics offered and how well students rate their experience.

I am currently going part time at ATU.
since you are an art major can you post the pics of the nude models here please. i like art showing the female form. paintings are ok but color photos work best thanks:eek3:

lol :lol: maybe I will when I got the time...need a scanner and shit to show that stuff.
Let me know how you like it! I want to visit there soon and maybe transfer if I like it enough. :)