How would I fare out in this exercise regime?

Hannah louise

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
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If i ran 30 minutes straight without stopping (cross country running) and did between 100 and 200 sit-ups around 4/5 times a week, what would my results be (ex. My results would be in a month: weight loss a little bit) in a month/week/fortnight or what ever.
I weigh 103lbs, I'm 5'4 and I'm a15 year old girl. I have a slim-ish body, how ever there is a little tummy I don't like, and would like to get it smoother. Also, I am the fittest girl in my class, 3rd fittest person in my class and among the fittest in my year (out of about a 100 others).
Mainly, i want to keep fit and and when our fitness test comes around in another couple of months, I'd like to do well again.
I love to eat junk food, but I'm gonna put my foot down and eliminate all sorts of junk foods and eat anything i want and as much as i want as long as it's healthy, such as pears, apples.
What do you think? How would I fare out? Thanks in advance for any answers!:) xxxx
For being 5'4 you are actually a little under weight for your size. I can't say for sure because I don't know your body type. You may just want to tone to help have a better body image. (Which would be low weight and high reps if you ever work with weights.) For girls abs are a little hard to maintain but running is a good way to keep up cardio and slim down. Sit ups might get boring so instead of just doing those you can try to change it up with russian twists, V-ups, planks, side planks. There's a good video on youtube called "8 Minute Abs" you can also do. It takes a little more than a month to see results usually.
Cutting out junk food is always good. A good way to improve your diet is by remembering "Don't eat processed crap."
I think you need to get counseling for your self-image and self-esteem issues. Seriously.

Your numbers are all fine, and even if you gained 20 or 30 pounds, you are still going to be fine.
Thanks for answering, but yeah I'm def. not underweight, i checked with the bmi calculator for teens and I'm in the 17.5 percentile, which means I have a healthy weight.
I don't like my stomach, though, it's far off from being flat..
Crunches, crunches and more crunches....and also, everytime you get up, pull your stomach's uncomfortable at first, but in time, you will get used to it. If you've got a hula-hoop, it's good also for the waistline, so is belly-dancing. Good luck.
That actually sounds pretty good. Cardio is the way to go to get a flatter tummy. However throw in an easy week in there every 3rd or 4th week. Also, do it every other day instead of 4 or 5 times a week. On your rest days go for a walk, swim or bike ride. You'll actually gain a couple pounds due to muscle, but that's a good thing. And remember, eating healthy does not mean eating less :)
I guess you'd lose weight. Are you on a caloric deficit? Crunches and sit ups aren't going to be as good as your cardio sessions. Remember, there's no such thing as spot fat removal.
At 5'4 and 103 lbs....that's skinny to me. But some people strive for that "perfect body" guess it's moreso psychological.
There is a such thing as "skinny fat". Where you are thin but have a higher BMI. Eat healthy, lift weights (lift heavy... it's hard for girls to get bulky.. we lack the testosterone. It's how models get those amazing curves), and do your cardio for endurance, stamina, heart health.

This is all from my own experience btw. Definitely not an expert at all. Being only 15.. you might want to talk to your parents and doctor before embarking on a weight loss journey though.