How old were you when Your family found out...

Someone told my mother I am HOH as my mom went to a zoo went she was
pregnant with me. Mom saw some lions at the zoo and mom had her arms on her belly as the same time! This was how I became HOH! What animal did your mom see !! LOL!
About four years old but nothing was done since it was only a minor loss.
My mom suspected something when I was around 12 months old. The audiologist did a test and they figured that I probably had a mild hearing loss. My mom didn't believe it because I didn't respond to ANYTHING and was still only saying Papa. A few months later, my mom took me to another audiologist with a more accurate test, and she found that I had a profound hearing loss. I was born like that since I never got sick or anything.
As newborn/few hours old as i slept through all the noises when they had the fire alarm on! But Doc's labelled my mum as over anxious mother as she lost my twin also had difficult birth also i was her first baby. roll on 9 months Docs confirmed me as profoundly deaf. As mum knew already she took it in her stride... started signing classes etc. Dad still blames him self.... even today.

Reason of why i was born deaf is still unknown to this day.
I was three. When I was born, they did not have mandatory hearing tests for babies. When I was talking very little and the words I was saying were highly mispronounced, my parents had me checked out.
My mom told me the story;

My parents have been noticing that I don't hear and they tried to stand behind me and start to clapping the hands. I didn't make any reaction or anything so my mom decide to bring me to the doctor when I was 1 year old, and my brother was there at his 3rd age. The doctor told my mom that I was deaf. As soon as the doctor told my mom that I was deaf, my mom start to crying and scare. It was kinda funny because my brother was only one who thought my deafness was very cool! :lol: My brother cheered my mom up and my parents start to learn how to sign and taught me the sign language :)
I have no idea what my parents' reaction was. I can only assume that my dad's wasn't very good. My mom's was probably that she was going to help me work through it.
I was born with a genetic condition that causes my cilia to erode easily--not sure what the medical term is for it, if there is any. I was diagnosed at 6 years old. My identical twin brother was diagnosed at 4, so the docs/parents were pretty sure I would end up HoH as well. My mom has always been great, supportive, etc. She only wants us to be happy; she could care less if we can hear or not. My dad is a different story... Needless to say, my parents didn't stay married long.
I believe I was about 6 months old to a year when my parents found out. I don't really know the whole truth in this too although they did mentioned they felt saddened to know that I am deaf since I was born and first in the family.
My mom found out that I was born deaf when I was 1 yrs old... my mom told me that I had really really bad ear infection and high fever called meningitis and my mom also told me that doctors has been trying to fix my ears but it has been failed. :( My mom felt so bad and blamed herself in her whole pregnancy with me. :(
I was three when my family found out and four when i got my first hearing aids.

At first my parents thought i was a little shit as we lived on a farm and i was always taking off across the farm and my parents would called me back and because i didnt hear them they thought i was ignoring them and received quiet a few hidings for it.

My mother contracted Rubella when she was preggy with me and when i was born i was tested and was given the clear but my grandmother knew straight away i had a hearing problem and did try to tell my mother but she wouldnt have a bar of it till it was confirmed that i had a profound hearing loss in both ear and it devasted the whole family to adjust to having a deaf child in the family. All ended well though!
I was newborn when my parents found out that I was born deaf. My mother got upset. My father didn't tell anything about it. I got older and they accept me became deaf.
I was 2 years old when my parents found out that I was born deaf. As my mom did noticed that I wasn't talking or using voice that hearing baby of the same age would do use their voice or talking.

My parents were upset and saddened about it so I guess it did took them time to accept it.

I can't remember how old when I got my first hearing aids, I'll have to ask my parents about that. As for speaking or my first word, that happened when I was 5 years old.