How old were you when you first attended an IEP meeting as the student?

I didnt reply but hey.. I went to i think ALL of my IEP's. Including the seven hour one that pretty much almost ended up in a fist fight....

I'm glad I got the chance to participate in them... The ball got rolling down the hill much better with ME taking more part of them...
I thank goodness that my parents made it clear for me what was what, etc, throughout the process....
6th grade and inceasing voice each iep. My final IEP i had complete control over my "goals" for the year and accommodations.
When i was in Middle School or High School around i went IEP meeting due i had classes in morning and i got little skip class..

I would remind that IEP meeting for longtimes
Be sure to include social goals in the IEP. This is an area of education that hearing students get. Many deaf children in the mainstream do not. Failure to address social learning skills can often be the impetus to move the child to a specialized deaf placement. Do not let them interpret "peers" as hearing children. Do not let them interpret "least restictive" as being an environment where he cannot communicate with peers and faculty one on one without 3rd party intervention such as a terp. These things will become increasingly inportant as he gets older.

Actually I would say that almost all deaf children in the mainstream tend to have major social issues. Heck even Clarke that bastian of oralism grudgingly admits that almost all dhh kids have major major social issues.
Either I didn't attend any of my IEP meetings or I didn't know what I was there for or what was going on to know that it was an IEP meeting and what that meant. I did find the documents from those meetings that my parents kept and now I am keeping them, maybe if I read them (I glanced at them once), they will give me a clue.

If I didn't attend, I wish I did and had a voice/vote and knew what I know now.
Thank you for bringing this up. I don't think there are any social goals in there right now & that is definitely one of my concerns.

Especially since a classmate just punched him in the face yesterday morning.:shock:

Already? Dang!! Sounds like maybe another kid needs to have social goals addressed more than your kid!:P