How much do interpreters charge for a state/county public business?


Oct 14, 2006
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Like a senior center hiring an interpreter for me as a deaf person during events. I would think the fees would be different for the state or county.
Generally 40-60 / hr, 2 hr minimum + travel cost. If event is longer than 2 hours usually will need to hire two terps so they can relieve each other.
Where can I find information regarding to staff mistreating my interpreter? my interpreter left the building cause she was uncomfortable being where she was mistreated by a staff. What do you guys do if that happened to you? how do you solve that?

Where can I find information regarding to staff mistreating my interpreter? my interpreter left the building cause she was uncomfortable being where she was mistreated by a staff. What do you guys do if that happened to you? how do you solve that?
Heres how I think this would look like. After reading ADA, I would ask for an interpreter. Manager would ask, "why?". I would say to make notes on what you said during announcements. it a 5-10 minute announcement. like, 'we're going on a field trip tomorrow and there will no lunch at the center tomorrow'. (I have arrived to a closed center like 10 times. waste of my valuable time). or maybe she would say you must be here at 9:30 to get on the bus. (I could be late). Or I would never hear I must sign up and find no seat for me. I think after reading the ADA, -reasonable accommodation- might mean there may not be a need for an interpreter at $40+ per hour. I think somewhere in ADA, the center can get their receptionist to jot down notes of what was being said. or the announcer would write it out, herself.
heres the deal. My wife joins me at lunch. My wife tells me what is being said. problem solved. The center gets a free interpreter, my wife. ADA speaks of -companion interpreter-. hopefully, my wife fits in that category. Last week, one of the staff became very extremely disrespectful to my wife. We're the only white in an all black environment. Now, I lost my companion interpretor. she doesn't care for such hostel environment. I'm back to square one. I got the center an interpret for FREE. now she is gone.
help me out here. Should I tell the receptionist that there might be a possibility that they might get an additional responsibility to take notes for me? having to tell the receptionist that, she would tell her friend staff that she ought to apologize to my free companion interpreter. It may not be worth it to them to take time consuming notes or pay $40+ per hour just cause one staff got disrespectful. the manager has no idea I might be able to request things like that.

How do I approach the manger regarding this issue? she knows about the issue on the disrespectful part. she is probably not stepping up and showing she is boss. What do I say? Do I say, "I would like an interpretor at noon for an hour". Or "please provide written announcement for me each day".

BETTER yet, can I hire an C.A.R.T. interpreter, myself and have that interpretor to bill the center. I that possible? Do I need to tell them about getting billed?