Hod do you deal with annoying hearies in public??

please respect the hearing world and we could learn from each other, rather than being rude.
98% of my time I spend in a hearing world. When a hearie talks to me, I tell him/her "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I am deaf". I usually try to communicate with him/her in body language and sometimes lipreading.

Most of time it happens to me while I'm in the elevator at work. I work in a professional enviroment and I usually deal with engineers, urban/transportation planners, and sometimes customers & attorneys.

It's no way for me to show them my middle finger!!! If I did, I would get fired!

Often i get frustred when they don't understand the VERY basic sign language like * pen and paper*.. it's very very obivsbly to understand the part. I would have to make them to understand what im trying to say * pen.... trying my best to speak like (paper) * if they don't get it, i would walk away to my car and get paper and pen then i write what im trying to say.. after that they just being stupid and still talking to me.. i make them to write it down!

I think it's often to hearing people thinks Deaf can talk and read lip not hear.. cuz of Marlyin Marlee don't sign any on the tv.. that's really affect them..