Hii :) i want some deaf friends


New Member
May 13, 2014
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I'm Milly, im 19 and i have always loved deaf people and im trying to learn asl ! So that way i can talk instead of writing :) would love to get to know everyone.

Loving is everything~
Hi i am deaf ,also 19 old years!

Hi how are you ?
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I love being so popular for my inability to hear! :roll: If you want to learn ASL, your best bet is to check under the thread students looking for ASL buddies or go to a website like lifeprint or ASLpro.com. while I hate the idea of people learning ASL online because they usually pick it up wrong, I encourage you to find a class offered in your local area and learn it in person. Since nobody does that, I refer you back to my first selections.
Not many people around hear do it i use to have a deaf friend near me but he moved. I think deaf people are the sweetest thinggs :) thats why i wanna learn to make life easy for you guys and not have to read lips or constantly have to write. And ill try the websites. Thanks

Loving is everything~
<begin quote>"I think deaf people are the sweetest thinggs...."<end quote>

VERY patronizing...deaf people are people, not "sweet things"!
<begin quote>"I think deaf people are the sweetest thinggs...."<end quote>

VERY patronizing...deaf people are people, not "sweet things"!

You lie!!!!!

Everybody says "Bottesini is just the sweetest thing!"

Don't they? :hmm:
Sorry its a way of saying people. Didnt mean to offend no one

Loving is everything~
Feel I would blow a gasket if anyone said..."She's deaf and the sweetest thing"!....Say what?....Phony people...and feeling superior to someone who's deaf, that's what I've got to say....

Get ready to rumble...Sweet, I ain't nor am I "special".....
<begin quote>"I think deaf people are the sweetest thinggs...."<end quote>

VERY patronizing...deaf people are people, not "sweet things"!

and she Quoted this too[ "thats why i wanna learn to make life easy for you guys and not have to read lips or constantly have to write. And ill try the websites. " ]

The OP has a lot living to do she is only 19 yo and think she need go out and save people and has crazy idea that deaf and hoh people
are like lost lambs waiting to be rescue . Some people are spreading rumors around that deaf and hoh people are poor lost helpless souls and needed to pity on. And that need to stop !
Hey, what is wrong here? I tend to think deaf people have big egos and hang at drag strips bragging about their turbocharged vehicles. Isn't that sweet or radically cool?
I'm new to this site and learning ASL. I have never met a deaf person and don't know much about what is offensive and what isn't. I do know that being deaf doesn't make you sweet. Just like everyone else I'm sure there are people that are deaf that are nice and people that are deaf that are mean too. I'm not learning ASL because I think deaf people need to be helped by every hearing person learning their language. That's like saying every American must learn Spanish to help out people who have immigrated from Mexico. But, we don't say that because being foreign isn't categorized as a disability. I'm learning ASL simply because I think the language and culture is beautiful just as I would learn polish or French if I has such an interest in those cultures.

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