

New Member
Oct 17, 2012
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Hey everyone,

My name is Damien, i am 18, and I don't know ASL or any signing. I guess the reason why im here is because i've always had problems hearing. Over the last year i've noticed it has gotten a little worse; i find myself answering "what?" to more things because i didn't catch what was said.
Hi Damien & welcome! I'm HOH, and don't know ASL either. Just got hearing aids last Thursday. Plenty of friendly peeps here that will help with any questions you may have.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, unseau.

Both of you, unseau and bpmerillat, need to go to the ASL classes and learn to sign so that you both will be able to understand better with other Deaf people and also trying to communicate with hearing people with paper and pen. That is all I have to say.

unseau, I hope you have fun reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave: