Hi. I'm Jen.


New Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Hi. I just signed up. I am Audiodef's girlfriend, and Cheetah is a friend of mine through Audiodef. Great people!

I am a hearing person. Audiodef and I have been together for five years, and he has been teaching me sign language (we use Signed English at home.) As I meet more deaf people, however, I've decided I want to take some ASL classes. Don't worry! I'm not here looking for an ASL buddy. I'm just here to support my deaf friends and to hang out in general.

I have cats. Seven of them (Audiodef has one, so we have eight altogether!) I love them to pieces.

I work a miserable day job to pay for my home and cover our needs, but my side business is my passion. I'm an artist/photographer, writer/editor, artisan/crafter, and I also sell vintage items. It is my hope that one day I can support myself solely via my business. (Don't worry--I'm not here to advertise.)

I'm a vegan, and I'm heavily into environmental protection, living lightly, connecting with nature, and all that (read: I am a tree hugger!)

It's nice to meet everyone.

Jen M.
welcome. :)

I have 5 cats now that i just adopted two 1 year old kitties three weeks ago. They came from philly PA to my home in NY. :shock: It's a long story, but just brief, one of them is deaf but i call her "hoh" lol through www.deafanimals, but it will leads you to the blog. I happen to know the deaf gal who is doing the blog. :)
I've heard of Deaf Animals! What a wonderful organization! :)

Thank you for rescuing!

I have 7, because my ex (before I met Audiodef) and I used to rescue, but we learned that we were not good at rehoming. When we got to 10, I said "No more!" Now, I'm taking care of the ones I have, and I help the rescue community out in other ways.

Jen M.
Hello. I like rescuing dogs, but stick within the limits of my city. I have a deaf Pekingese, and a Shih Tzu. :)
I've heard of Deaf Animals! What a wonderful organization! :)

Thank you for rescuing!

I have 7, because my ex (before I met Audiodef) and I used to rescue, but we learned that we were not good at rehoming. When we got to 10, I said "No more!" Now, I'm taking care of the ones I have, and I help the rescue community out in other ways.

Jen M.

aww my hub and i enjoy having fur kids to be around in the house, at the same time, we are happy to give them a cozy home. Two of them are from VA, one from Rochester, NY and now two of them from philly PA.
Hi Jen! :) I'm hearing as well and learning sign, it's nice to meet you.

My sisters cat Beethoven is deaf, he's travelled here to Canada with her from Thailand, after she rescued him when she lived in Hong Kong.
Before I adopted Noble, one of the shelter/foster cats I was interested in was deaf. It was adopted out to someone else, though.

Noble's an all-black cat and was very shy when I first brought him home. He still is a little shy, but he warms up to new people pretty quickly as long as I'm around.
i have a newest black kitty and shes the most shy but she is my shadow now. :shock: she follows me anywhere and still shy to my kids and hub. LOL. I know she will get warms up with them eventually. I am good at giving her excellent massages. :D She must have hooked to it!
Hi Jen! :) I'm hearing as well and learning sign, it's nice to meet you.

My sisters cat Beethoven is deaf, he's travelled here to Canada with her from Thailand, after she rescued him when she lived in Hong Kong.

Wow! That is amazing! Good for them! :)

Yup. Audiodef started teaching me sign language as soon as we became a couple. It's not perfect, but I get by. I'm hoping to find ASL classes that I can afford and that will fit into my schedule this year, but I'm also trying to learn on my own via the web. Of course, there is also just talking to the deaf people I meet or watching them talk to each other.

It's nice to meet you, too.

Jen M.
Black kitties are very special. My first very own cat when I was a teen was a black kitty. :)

Jen M.
:wave: Jen

hoh; husband deaf.

I'm a dog trainer and involved in shelter work, and Rottie and Pit Bull rescue.
was vegan for several years-
Yeah. I've seen some of your posts, Dogmom. I figured you were in that field. Yay!

So, just curious: Why did you stop being vegan? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm not trying to start a debate. I'm just always curious about people.

I've only been vegan for maybe a little over a year. I was ovo-lacto veg for probably 10 years before that.

Jen M.
oh, no problem, I was vegan just before and in college, in small college hunting town of about 32 thousand people - very different from the urban environment I grew up in.
I went there thinking I would major in one thing that was a specialty of the university and ended up there for 6 years and finished with something else.
So the nature of this small and at that time, very insulated and conservative town <compared to what I used to; I was one of two Jewish students...the last year I was there, there were all of 4 African-American students at the university>, meant that it was actually pretty hard to be vegan. The most cost-effective way to eat routinely was to purchase meal plan options which were bulk meal deals for eating in the dorms. I never lived off-campus. So I would go eat in any of the large cafeterias and the servers looked at me strangely when I asked for meatless spaghetti sauce. It wasn't til maybe my last year there that they offered vegetarian <not vegan> sauce.

I ate a lotta beans and rice and had my own rice cooker. There was a small health foods co-op there that I walked several blocks to get to and that was where I got stuff but a lot of the vegan stuff <especially if you want to have a variety of hot food> is expensive for students or requires soaking, grinding - lots of time to prepare balanced vegan meals consistently.

So it wasn't a good time to try to carry on that kind of eating. And technically, I did use honey which is not vegan.

And then I got sick and was in the hospital with some kinda respiratory viral thing.

Currently, eat whole-foods, plant-based diet, alot of which is raw. I eat local eggs from pastured hens. No dairy. Also have wild-caught salmon and other fish sometimes.
Oh, yeah. Small towns and rural locations are tough for us vegans.

When Audiodef and I drive up to MA to visit his family, we pack a cooler. You just never know where you're going to stop to eat. We had a hotel we routinely stay in, and there's a TGI Friday's right next door. They are good about accommodating vegans, but up where his family lives, it's a real challenge for us.

Jen M.
yeah, I understand about challenge - prep is still a big thing for me when going out to things like seminars<dog training> or other several-hour-long events where there likely is a meal available there- I rarely eat what is already set out or what could be ordered.
I bring my own stuff.

Many restaurants have improved and I like to get nutritional info. as well as ingredient info. - often staff or the chef will know. Or you can go online for some of them too.
Oh, yeah. Small towns and rural locations are tough for us vegans.

When Audiodef and I drive up to MA to visit his family, we pack a cooler. You just never know where you're going to stop to eat. We had a hotel we routinely stay in, and there's a TGI Friday's right next door. They are good about accommodating vegans, but up where his family lives, it's a real challenge for us.

Jen M.

No, it's not. Hannford has an OK selection and Northhampton is a hippie place that's very accommodating.